VN's very own political meme thread...

You do know that is a wife of a prominent Democrat…..right?

I don't know that--but I do know that back when the Klan was active, many Democrats, southern Democrats in particular, were virulently
racist--and they switched to the Republican party in the 60s, when President Johnson and other Dems helped pass the Voting Rights and Civil Rights acts. Racist Dems became the racist Republicans that we know today
I don't know that--but I do know that back when the Klan was active, many Democrats, southern Democrats in particular, were virulently
racist--and they switched to the Republican party in the 60s, when President Johnson and other Dems helped pass the Voting Rights and Civil Rights acts. Racist Dems became the racist Republicans that we know today
your history of the VRA sucks and is a lie
I don't know that--but I do know that back when the Klan was active, many Democrats, southern Democrats in particular, were virulently
racist--and they switched to the Republican party in the 60s, when President Johnson and other Dems helped pass the Voting Rights and Civil Rights acts. Racist Dems became the racist Republicans that we know today
You know that it was Republicans that pushed the VRA? And LBJ did it to get the minority vote.
You know that it was Republicans that pushed the VRA? And LBJ did it to get the minority vote.

Get real, ace. The Voting Rights Act was passed by both Dems and Republicans. It was passed for many significant reasons--the campaign of non-violence, not to mention it was of course morally the right thing to do, the vicious attack on the marchers by the Alabama state police---that had nothing to do with Johnson merely wanting to get the minority vote. Given that he was a catalyst for getting the act passed, of course African Americans were going to view him favorably afterward.
Some light reading for you on Bidens racism.

-called the bankers “Shylock”
-Was Impressed at how clean and well spoken Obama is
-“If you don’t know the ain’t black
-“Poor kids are as smart as white kids”
-Integration of schools is bring them too the jungle.
-Has been accused of not wanting black SS agents assigned to him.
-“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
-during a virtual campaign event that Trump is wrong to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 because Americans aren’t able to distinguish “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing.”
-“The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”
-“we in Delaware we’re on the southern side of the civil war”
-“By the way, what you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

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