VN's very own political meme thread...

No doubt. My wife has two artificial hips. She has a genetic, degenerative hip condition. We just got back from a trip and she had to be frisked twice because of the titanium in her hips. She has a card but they wouldn't accept it. We joked about we should have just walked across the southern border.
I think JD Vance is a replicant.

You know, I GET the hatred of Trump. Don’t really like him much as a person myself. But I really don’t understand the hatred of Vance. I mean, you can disagree with his policies; but to hate on him as a person after he worked himself up from poverty, served his country overseas, thrived in law school, started his own business, and got e elected to the Senate is just a head scratcher. I mean it is the common man success story that the democrats always say they like to see.
And In terms of standing up for labor and blue collar Americans, you will ever find a more agreeable Republican. I believe a lot of union members will flock to the guy.
If you ignore the culture war issues, he is basically a blue dog democrat.
And his business as d venture capitalist work has been to bring tech jobs to rural Americans. And to me, a son of an Appalachian Coal Mining family who made a career out of IT, that really inspires me. He wants to bring hope to communities like the one I grew up in.
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