VN's very own political meme thread...

Ditto there too love.

He was given less than half of the money that Boeing was given. Which company is successfully launching Americans to the ISS? Which company is having to rescuer the Boeing astronauts again?
How many EV and Aerospace companies have YOU started.
I recommend you read „Liftoff“ by Eric Berger about how SpaceX started off with basically seven people in a strip mall and turned it into the most dependable launch provider on the planet. With most of the groundwork laid before a single government benefit was bestowed.
But I have doubts if you could even turn a profit selling snowcones in Death Valley
You're right. It was through socialistic tax breaks designed to encourage the "woke" environmentally friendly shift to EVs.
even though he made his first EV a full year before any tax credit ever hit? a more truthful look at the situation is: Elon Musk made EVs viable, and then the government began to offer socialistic tax breaks designed to encourage the woke environmentally friendly shifts to EVs.

and in fact Musk made a viable EV because he had other products made to service EVs and the market wasn't creating EVs to make use of those other products. so he made his own to create demand for his other products.
even though he made his first EV a full year before any tax credit ever hit? a more truthful look at the situation is: Elon Musk made EVs viable, and then the government began to offer socialistic tax breaks designed to encourage the woke environmentally friendly shifts to EVs.

and in fact Musk made a viable EV because he had other products made to service EVs and the market wasn't creating EVs to make use of those other products. so he made his own to create demand for his other products.
And now, the Harris/Biden administration gives economic incentives for purchases of EVs from every American company except for one. Any guesses on which one?

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