Vol Calls from last night

Well, only if you still want to still be listening to the game on Sunday.

Well, I'm a Raiders fan so it's not much better for me on Sunday anyways. Besides it would be great to hear Roger paint the picture of Lane or Neal busting a 70 or 80 yard run like John Ward use to describe it.
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Well, I'm a Raiders fan so it's no much better for me on Sunday anyways. Besides it would be great to hear Roger paint the picture of Lane or Neal busting a 70 or 80 yard run like John Ward use to describe it.

Sorry about the Raiders thing, although they'll win this weekend!

NICE on Roger calling an 80 yard TD run. Heaven help him if Neal broke several tackles on the way...it would take an hour to call it!
"They haven’t given up a point in the second half which tells you they have great depth, too"

Not after tomorrow.

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