Vol Calls Tonight, Football Time almost Here!

Bob: "Next we've got Junior from Maynardville. Junior, welcome to the show."

Junior: "...............................background noise................................"

Bob: "Junior? Welcome to VolCalls. What's your question?"

Junior: "................................background noise..............................."

Bob: "Junior? Please listen through your phone and turn your radio down, you're on the air."

Junior: "....................background noise.................rattle...rattle...rattle...rattle....Hey Coach! Am I on the are?"

Bob: "Yes Junior, what's your question?"

Junior: "Coach, I'd just like to ask..."

Bob: "Coach Jones is no longer here. You're on with me and Brent Hubbs. Do you have a question?"

Junior: "Coach, I jus wanna say I'm prowd of yee, I know you gonna win here and do it the rite way, and I sportcha a hunnert percent! And go big arnge!"

If you call in, make sure to ask how they're doing. It doesn't matter that the twenty callers ahead of you also asked, it's your sworn duty as a VolCalls participant to make sure absolutely nothing has changed with their well-being since the last caller.
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Bob: "Next we've got Junior from Maynardville. Junior, welcome to the show."

Junior: "...............................background noise................................"

Bob: "Junior? Welcome to VolCalls. What's your question?"

Junior: "................................background noise..............................."

Bob: "Junior? Please listen through your phone and turn your radio down, you're on the air."

Junior: "....................background noise.................rattle...rattle...rattle...rattle....Hey Coach! Am I on the are?"

Bob: "Yes Junior, what's your question?"

Junior: "Coach, I'd just like to ask..."

Bob: "Coach Jones is no longer here. You're on with me and Brent Hubbs. Do you have a question?"

Junior: "Coach, I jus wanna say I'm prowd of yee, I know you gonna win here and do it the rite way, and I sportcha a hunnert percent! And go big arnge!"

This is pure gold lol
You know...there never is really anything earth-shattering or overly enlightening revealed on Vol Calls. It's pretty much always the same old coach speak. So why am I always so excited for it to come on? ;)
Bob: "Next we've got Junior from Maynardville. Junior, welcome to the show."

Junior: "...............................background noise................................"

Bob: "Junior? Welcome to VolCalls. What's your question?"

Junior: "................................background noise..............................."

Bob: "Junior? Please listen through your phone and turn your radio down, you're on the air."

Junior: "....................background noise.................rattle...rattle...rattle...rattle....Hey Coach! Am I on the are?"

Bob: "Yes Junior, what's your question?"

Junior: "Coach, I'd just like to ask..."

Bob: "Coach Jones is no longer here. You're on with me and Brent Hubbs. Do you have a question?"

Junior: "Coach, I jus wanna say I'm prowd of yee, I know you gonna win here and do it the rite way, and I sportcha a hunnert percent! And go big arnge!"

You forgot to say "I'll hang up and listen." :lolabove:
I loved the caller that said he sent Coach Jones a present. Bob and Brent couldn't hang up on him fast enough.

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