Vol fans are so Fickle.......

It's funny, because some of the bashers were here praising the Vols after the Cal and even Air Force game. :lol:

Then some made it pretty obvious that they were just waiting for a loss. It could've been a loss to the 85 Bears, and they would've came with the bashing. Prtety entertaining actually.
It's not like we started out 1-2, and got blown out of the water last night... No reason to start calling for the coaches head if you weren't doing it before yesterday.
Yea I love the people that are vol "fans" when we win, but watch out if we lose everyone is jumping off the ship and calling to get fulmer fired. The funny thing was the last two weeks I did not hear one time that fulmer needed to be fired. What if (which is a good possiblity) we win out, Fla loses to GA and another SEC team. Does he still need to be fired? This game is over and we can not do anything about it, we let it go and move on to Marshall.
Even in the loss, I think we played ok. WR's looked good, defense looked decent for the circumstances. Once we get a running game rolling, our offense will be very stuff to stop.
This board is now full of negative vol fans who have just came to bash. Where are you when we win?????

when do we win against a top opponet at home, or a sec title for that matter.:crazy: the optomism went in the crapper with the realization that there will probably be no chance to win the sec. i am alittle negative, but i'm not bashing anyone.:peace2:
Yea I love the people that are vol "fans" when we win, but watch out if we lose everyone is jumping off the ship and calling to get fulmer fired. The funny thing was the last two weeks I did not hear one time that fulmer needed to be fired. What if (which is a good possiblity) we win out, Fla loses to GA and another SEC team. Does he still need to be fired? This game is over and we can not do anything about it, we let it go and move on to Marshall.

Your logic is flawed. "I didn't hear anyone saying anything about firing Bubba when he was doing his job." "I didn't hear anyone saying anything about trading Brett Favre when he won the Super Bowl." We won the first two games, so why would you be calling for his head then?

I am not in the "Fire Fulmer" crowd quite yet, but I am not such a koolaid drinker that I won't join that crowd at a later date if it becomes necessary.

I have a question I would like some of you to answer. What would it take for someone that loves Fulmer to join that firing crowd? 3 losses? 4 losses? More? I actually digress because I think it is very possible for us to go 10-2 and with a little luck in the LSU game, 11-1.

And question two - How many years will that 98 Championship insulate Fulmer from criticism in your eyes?

On a final note, I understand where you are coming from. However, if I join that Fire Fulmer crowd if I ever decide it is necessary, you better never have the misfortune to say that i am not a "vol fan" to my face. You will be going to the meat market for a steak to put on your shiner if you do.
Your logic is flawed. "I didn't hear anyone saying anything about firing Bubba when he was doing his job." "I didn't hear anyone saying anything about trading Brett Favre when he won the Super Bowl." We won the first two games, so why would you be calling for his head then?

I am not in the "Fire Fulmer" crowd quite yet, but I am not such a koolaid drinker that I won't join that crowd at a later date if it becomes necessary.

I have a question I would like some of you to answer. What would it take for someone that loves Fulmer to join that firing crowd? 3 losses? 4 losses? More? I actually digress because I think it is very possible for us to go 10-2 and with a little luck in the LSU game, 11-1.

And question two - How many years will that 98 Championship insulate Fulmer from criticism in your eyes?

On a final note, I understand where you are coming from. However, if I join that Fire Fulmer crowd if I ever decide it is necessary, you better never have the unfortune to say that i am not a "vol fan" to my face. You will be going to the meat market for a steak to put on your shiner if you do.

love your attitude. if he would have won one sec title since 98 i would give him credit, but with the teams that we have had and the records in the last 4 years, he needs a title now.
All in all, Vols played some good ball last night except for the running game. Ainge looked good most of the time. I blamed him for the intentional grounding last night but realize now that he did not have much of a choice. I was just mad. Our D needs some work but I still say they did a pretty fair job.
Guys you can't say anything bad about last night other than the fact that we lost.....We played good we just couldn't get the running game going....When you have RB's making cuts in the back field you can't hardly ever get anything good from that....I mean guys we played well enough to win that game last night, we just got outcoached and went a little too conservative with our play calling in the 3rd.....That loss is okay though, this just means we have to go out and take care of Georgia in 3 weeks
well if you listen to the local sports talk shows, you know there are some fans (small mike and some dork named Jeff) who want UT to lose every game. Mike deserves a little bit of credit for eating crow after the Cal game. Jeff, however, is a deranged loser with some kind of bizarre pathological hatred of Coach Fulmer. There are more like those two in radio land, and I imagine there are plenty around here too.

I had a feeling that getting intercepted on the first offensive play of the game would lead the team down the same path they've followed the last several years. Our defense kept us in the game most of the night except for two plays (and one of those might have been different if our player had not fallen down).
I think most of us were overall positive after the loss, even the ones of us that feel that Fulmer's best days are long behind him. That doesn't mean we couldn't be critical of a couple things (1. The lack of any running game 2. The inability to stop the Tim Tebow/Matt Maulk QB draw when everbody including the 10 year old Coke venders knew it was coming!).

I praise the effort, the much improved disipline of the team(very few silly penalities,etc. as well as Justin's valiant effort.

If you want critical see Climer's piece in the Tennessean.
well if you listen to the local sports talk shows, you know there are some fans (small mike and some dork named Jeff) who want UT to lose every game. Mike deserves a little bit of credit for eating crow after the Cal game. Jeff, however, is a deranged loser with some kind of bizarre pathological hatred of Coach Fulmer. There are more like those two in radio land, and I imagine there are plenty around here too.

I had a feeling that getting intercepted on the first offensive play of the game would lead the team down the same path they've followed the last several years. Our defense kept us in the game most of the night except for two plays (and one of those might have been different if our player had not fallen down).[/quote]

I have to disagree with you there to a certain extent, mainly because the offense played great last night, with the exception of the run game...I'mnot saying Defense didn't help last night because those guys fought hard and played their butts off last night til the last minute but I think the offense kept us in that game....Had that INT for a touchdown not been called back, then I'd say the Defense definitely won that game for us...It was a good effort on both sides of the ball last night though
Guys you can't say anything bad about last night other than the fact that we lost.....We played good we just couldn't get the running game going....When you have RB's making cuts in the back field you can't hardly ever get anything good from that....I mean guys we played well enough to win that game last night, we just got outcoached and went a little too conservative with our play calling in the 3rd.....That loss is okay though, this just means we have to go out and take care of Georgia in 3 weeks

You didn't watch the same game I did. The Gators were the ones out coached. Unfortunately the Gators had better athletes. Did you see any of our offense guys outrun a defensive player?
This team is going to win some big games this year and we aren't out of the SEC race yet.
I just don't understand. After a loss you have two fans that come in here and post. SO called fickle ones and ones that are aren't satisfied but just kinda are like "oh well".

I think alot of times when someone gets negative people mistake that for being fickle. Fickle I am not, I will be a Vol till I die. But I mean when I came in here I whole heartly agreed with alot stuff being said.

It was 100% obvious last night that we got our asses handed to us in the trenches. But when we come in here our Vol allegience is questioned if we state that?

There's Realist and then theres optimist. I think last nights game was a good football game. As for Tennessee its some of the worse execution I have seen in a long time. We looked weak. I don't like it when my Vols look weak. So if I want to come in here and talk about it. Then call me fickle. But I say lets not pat them on the ass win or lose this isn't California. Lets award them for playing hard and we can discuss the bad points of the game. Thats fans being fans. But as soon as you question anything about the "TENNESSEE" program your not a true fan. I didn't know we were in Cuba. This teams Fidel Castro style now. Give me a break.
I'm still a fan after last season. I don't think I'm a bandwagoner.
...What if (which is a good possiblity) we win out...

If you believe that, well....you'll see what I mean later on in the season.

Look, I'm a die-hard Vol Fan. I've said that before. I also think that PF should have been canned about three or four seasons ago. I've also said that before.

I love my Vols, but I think their head coach has lost his touch. FYI, I picked UT to win big over UF (note to self: never say anything on the board after your 2nd beer). What I was thinking, even I can't imagine.

The fact is, we have been getting out-recruited, outcoached, outplayed, and outclassed for awhile now. UT is no longer flying at the same level as Florida, Georgia, and (soon to be) South Carolina. We have become a second-tier team. It's that simple.

We're in trouble. Now. We have to travel to Athens and Columbia, and we're gonna have a pretty mad LSU team coming in to Knoxville down the way. That road game at Arkansas ain't no gimme, either. Yeah, we might finish 10-2 or 9-3..... but 8-4 or 7-5, or worse, isn't too farfetched. Consider: our offensive line has yet to establish that they can open running lanes, and our backs aren't scaring anyone. That puts all the heat on Ainge and the receivers.

Add to that the fact that (apparently) our defense is not quite as good as they looked against Cal (and in hindsight, the Air Force game was a warning). Now where are we? Can't run the ball...can't play consistent defense. Like Travis Tritt said...T R O U B L E.

Am I a basher? Maybe, if telling it like it is qualifies as bashing. I've never been either on or off the so-called bandwagon. I'm a Vol fan...I always will be. But my definition of being a fan doesn't include burying your head in the sand and pretending everything's okay, when it's so obvious that it ain't.

Last season was not, I repeat not, an aberration. It was the result of several years of letting the small leaks in the UT football program go unplugged. Are we better this year? Yes, I think so. We're better than 6-5. How much better is yet to be determined.

If you're okay with "better than 6-5", then so be it.

I'm not.

Go Vols.
...What if (which is a good possiblity) we win out...

If you believe that, well....you'll see what I mean later on in the season.

Look, I'm a die-hard Vol Fan. I've said that before. I also think that PF should have been canned about three or four seasons ago. I've also said that before.

I love my Vols, but I think their head coach has lost his touch. FYI, I picked UT to win big over UF (note to self: never say anything on the board after your 2nd beer). What I was thinking, even I can't imagine.

The fact is, we have been getting out-recruited, outcoached, outplayed, and outclassed for awhile now. UT is no longer flying at the same level as Florida, Georgia, and (soon to be) South Carolina. We have become a second-tier team. It's that simple.

We're in trouble. Now. We have to travel to Athens and Columbia, and we're gonna have a pretty mad LSU team coming in to Knoxville down the way. That road game at Arkansas ain't no gimme, either. Yeah, we might finish 10-2 or 9-3..... but 8-4 or 7-5, or worse, isn't too farfetched. Consider: our offensive line has yet to establish that they can open running lanes, and our backs aren't scaring anyone. That puts all the heat on Ainge and the receivers.

Add to that the fact that (apparently) our defense is not quite as good as they looked against Cal (and in hindsight, the Air Force game was a warning). Now where are we? Can't run the ball...can't play consistent defense. Like Travis Tritt said...T R O U B L E.

Am I a basher? Maybe, if telling it like it is qualifies as bashing. I've never been either on or off the so-called bandwagon. I'm a Vol fan...I always will be. But my definition of being a fan doesn't include burying your head in the sand and pretending everything's okay, when it's so obvious that it ain't.

Last season was not, I repeat not, an aberration. It was the result of several years of letting the small leaks in the UT football program go unplugged. Are we better this year? Yes, I think so. We're better than 6-5. How much better is yet to be determined.

If you're okay with "better than 6-5", then so be it.

I'm not.

Go Vols.

:rock: :hi: :thumbsup: :salute: :clapping: :clap: :rock2: :huggy:
I love my Vols, but I think their head coach has lost his touch. FYI, I picked UT to win big over UF (note to self: never say anything on the board after your 2nd beer). What I was thinking, even I can't imagine.

The fact is, we have been getting out-recruited, outcoached, outplayed, and outclassed for awhile now. UT is no longer flying at the same level as Florida, Georgia, and (soon to be) South Carolina. We have become a second-tier team. It's that simple.

I seriously doubt you had the same thoughts and feelings after the first two games. FULMER HAS LOST HIS TOUCH! His team blasted a top 10 opponent at home, and two weeks later loses a squeaker to an even better top 10 team at home. Give me a break.
I seriously doubt you had the same thoughts and feelings after the first two games. FULMER HAS LOST HIS TOUCH! His team blasted a top 10 opponent at home, and two weeks later loses a squeaker to an even better top 10 team at home. Give me a break.

we all know Cal isnt a top 10 team. we can stop referring to them as one.

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