Vol Football Turnaround



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
Is it the coaching changes? Players stepping up into leadership roles? Luck? The rest of the SEC crumbling? The affect of coaching stability? What can it be and where do you think it will take us?
Maybe turnaround was too strong, maybe I should have said "Momentum shift".
I can go with that.

I think we had a couple of years there where the running game went into hibernation. Blame it on a slight talent deficiency in the backfield combined with injuries, combined with spotty o-line play, combined with lack of playmakers on the outside to stretch the field.
Combination of things really - not to start a bash Clausen thread but I think his "spotty" play contributed a lot - unwise decisions on his part led to a lot of bad situations that we did not have the playmakers to bail us out of. I just think it was a period of mediocraty in the program - It seems now that the players have really stepped up especially around the play of the younger players. I also see the addition of Trooper to be a direct link to the "revival" of the running game. Let's just hope that momentum carrries over to next season.
Well, the only consistently good programs in the SEC that I can name in recent history are Tennessee and Georgia. I can't help but look around at the rest of the SEC and see coaching changes en masse as a sign of instability within most other programs. LSU, Bama, Auburn, Florida and South Carolina all seem somewhat unstable to me. Prone to some really good seasons, but also vulnerable to terrible ones.
Personally I see it as the good fortune of a number of good things coming together. 1) A class of players maturing or realizing the importance of on the field leadership. 2) A change in the coaching staff which has energized the team organization wide, meaning the addition of Trooper Taylor. 3) A heightened sense of mutual respect and commaraderie organization wide. Notice how many recruits commented how comfortable they felt with TN and how the coaching staff treated them like family. I don't recall as many comments about that one thing being so apparent in the past, do you?
Originally posted by VOLracerx@Feb 8, 2005 10:27 AM
Combination of things really - not to start a bash Clausen thread but I think his "spotty" play contributed a lot - unwise decisions on his part led to a lot of bad situations that we did not have the playmakers to bail us out of. I just think it was a period of mediocraty in the program - It seems now that the players have really stepped up especially around the play of the younger players. I also see the addition of Trooper to be a direct link to the "revival" of the running game. Let's just hope that momentum carrries over to next season.

I like how we consider mediocrity. Clausen has two 10 win seasons out of 4 and thats mediocrity. Most programs would be happy with that. I like that our bar is set a little higher than most.
10 wins is definately not mediocrty - the play was mediocre therefore it felt like more of a let down than it really was...uninspred football.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 8, 2005 10:53 AM
1) A class of players maturing or realizing the importance of on the field leadership.

:blink: Not sure about that one. Looked like a lot of young guys last year who made a lot of mistakes. I think that this point is what will determine our success next year. We NEED this to happen over the Spring and Summer. If it does, the Big Orange train could be hell-bent for a championship run.
Yep - we're gonna need all-around confident performance to fry all the big fish. We got Georgia this last year, this year, time to get Florida, Georgia, LSU, Notre Dame and USC.
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Feb 8, 2005 4:29 PM
I hope you're right Milo

We probably need to face facts that Alabama would have had a record with one or two more wins this last season if they stayed healthy.

Notre Dame could do some serious damage if Weis lives up to expectations -- Hopefully their secondary will remain as it was this last season, and we can pass our way to a nice victory.

Georgia. 'Nuff said.

LSU may have lost Saban, but there is still some serious existing talent and the coaching staff has already worked together before.

USC will be just a notch below the top teams in the SEC, and I think that while they won't win the east, they will be able to knock down a top team or two.
I don't see UGA being that good next year...They're losing a lot...I think if they were going to compete for the NT, that last year was their year....they were loaded last year
say what you want.....we had good seasons under Casey but the guys played like a bunch of zombies.......he's not a quarterback that could rally his team.....i dunno why.........shuler peyton and even tee were leaders......casey couldnt motivate a bammer fan to talk about Bear Bryant :dlol: :bammer:
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Feb 8, 2005 5:18 PM
I don't see UGA being that good next year...They're losing a lot...I think if they were going to compete for the NT, that last year was their year....they were loaded last year

They lost a lot but Richt is starting to keep good talent coming up.
Next year with UGA, all we will need to do is stop the run and make Shockley beat us with his arm. (If he is going to be QB)
The word from UGA is that Shockley will be the QB and Mark Richt is going to dust off his old FSU playbook and run the Fastbreak Offense that Charlie Ward ran so well. Basically a lot of no huddle and shotgun.
Shockley isn't that good IMO.....If he's all we've got to worry about for them next year, I think we will be OK....But we do need to shut down their run game because it will be killer next year
Basically Fulmer got caught with his pants down. The new coaches that entered the SEC went out in May recruiting personally and Fulmer didn't til this year.
TN VOLS, Are you saying that our momentum shift is the result of Fulmer finally getting out there early to do personal recruiting? I thought that was what he had been doing and was the best at it...maybe I'm not reading your response right???
the offenses are going to be flying around the field next year with Urban, Spurrier and a Shockley lead Bulldog crew.

i think our schedule is one of the toughest with the teams we have on the road (Florida, LSU, Alabama, Notre Dame) but i think Alabama might be our biggest obsticle.

next year is gonna be a fun season to watch in the sec.

I've heard others mention that Bama is going to be tough..Why do so many feel this way?

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