Volfreak, Bhamvolfan

I read this in the Dr.'s office the other day and I say why keep beating a dead horse? If everyone that it mattered to(NCAA, SEC, and the University) found no wrong in it then there isn't any
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Mar 17, 2005 10:47 PM
yes i know. but, he did take money illegally. now i am not trying to change anything just saying that we got lucky.

You mean if you sign a scholarship to play football, you cant accept money from a friend?

I would venture to guess that every team in the NCAA will be on probation in 2005. VANDY vs DUKE in the BCS ROSE BOWL
well, just saying.

i m sure it does happen. looks like we got caught then they turned their head.

i love ut guys but i think we may have slipped through. dont do it again.
As I recall, the lady in question only attended UT games occasionally.

Wayne Rowe (I believe that's his name) had helped Tee since he was a kid. Rowe had no connections to UT. He was like an adopted uncle.

When Bammers found out Rowe had given the kid money from time to time they invented the story, with Rowe's aid. I mean, if he had succeeded, it would have been the biggest story of his life, so he took a shot. The story backfired on him though.

As it turned out, the money the insurance lady provided was a loan to Rowe and bank drafts backed the lady's story up.

THAT is why nothing was done to UT. We did nothing wrong.


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