VolNation: 2013 Welcome Back Post. A few Guidelines to remember.



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
For those of you who only frequent the board during the season, I want to personally welcome you back. We're happy to have you here with us to kick off the Butch Jones era. Game days can get kind of hectic so I wanted to post a few reminders---for everyone really.

1. Use the report post button. If you have an issue, see a post that violates board rules, need help, or need the mods attention for any reason, please use the REPORT POST button. We are much more likely to see it that way than posting "Hey mods" in the middle of a thread somewhere. But we do try to see those also.

2. Don't start a new thread for every thought that pops into your head. I know everyone loves starting their own thread, and discussion is certainly what this place is all about, but please check to see if there is a similar topic before posting a new one---at the very least skim the topics on the first page. The number of duplicate threads on game day can be a bit of an issue sometimes.

3. If you can't find your post or thread chances are it was moved or merged, but in the heat of battle sometimes the mods will delete things that should have been posted other places or are inappropriate. Check the "My Posts" link on the navbar above to try and locate your post. If you still can't find it, chances are it might have been removed. If you've check the board rules and can't understand why, please don't post another thread about it. That just creates even more work for the mods. Shoot me a message here and I'll do my best to respond. I realize at times many of you may disagree when your post is merged, moved, or removed. And that's understandable; sometimes the mods may not even all agree 100% on every move we make. Just keep in mind that the mods here volunteer their time to help out. We all do the best we can, but aren't without fault sometimes.

4. Don't forget about VolNation Mobile while you are at the game. And remember you can also post pics from mobile, so let's see them!

5. Let's keep all the Fire Dooley posts in a single thread. Oh, wait. :)

6. Lastly, and this should go without saying really, but please keep it civil. This a resource for varied opinions, discussions and disagreements, but there is no need for personal attacks and insults. It takes away from the focus of the thread and adds nothing to the discussion.

And before anyone beats me to it: "tl;dr' and "cool story bro".

Thanks for reading and thank you for choosing to hang out and spend your time with us here at VolNation. All of your guys are what makes this site special, and I really do appreciate.

Your friend and fellow Vol fan for life,
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Seems like a good time to say Thanks Freak for VolNation. I don't post a lot, but have been an avid reader from long before I joined. I really appreciate all of the Mods for the work that goes into this site, what a great resource for Vol Fans. Go Vols, I'll be watching with my son in section F for the opening game of the Butch Jones era. I believe we are on our way back up to prominence in the SEC as well as nationally.
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Seems like a good time to say Thanks Freak for VolNation. I don't post a lot, but have been an avid reader from long before I joined. I really appreciate all of the Mods for the work that goes into this site, what a great resource for Vol Fans. Go Vols, I'll be watching with my son in section F for the opening game of the Butch Jones era. I believe we are on our way back up to prominence in the SEC as well as nationally.

Good post. Thanks Freak and mods.
With the season starting maybe this would be a good time to re-evaluate our posting behavior. I'll list some words and phrases used on this board and you can decide if we should banish some of them or keep using.
1. Jorts
2. Butch Slap
3. Gonna whip dey azz or whip dey azz
4. Butch gets it
5. See what I did there

6. Little Bama Snow Bunny
7. Grizz would hit it
9. Threadworthy
What say ye? Keep or discard some? Add a few of your own.

Twerking is good.
Seems like a good time to say Thanks Freak for VolNation. I don't post a lot, but have been an avid reader from long before I joined. I really appreciate all of the Mods for the work that goes into this site, what a great resource for Vol Fans. Go Vols, I'll be watching with my son in section F for the opening game of the Butch Jones era. I believe we are on our way back up to prominence in the SEC as well as nationally.

Thanks for the post BSAvol. It's much appreciated. Enjoy the game with your son. I'm watching with my son also. I can't wait to get back in the stadium.
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We are deeply grateful for you, Freak.

I live in California, but grew up in Tennessee and am a VFL.
I don't know what I would do without VolNation!

Thank you!
We are deeply grateful for you, Freak.

I live in California, but grew up in Tennessee and am a VFL.
I don't know what I would do without VolNation!

Thank you!

That's awesome, man! I love hearing from Vol fans around different parts of the company.

I'm thankful for all the great fans like you. It's you guys who keep this place going. Post more often. :hi:
Not if you haven't been away. The "welcome back" part was for those who only come around during football season. Duh. Try to keep up. :)

Hey Freak, Great Job with Vol nation, one thing that I think would be cool, but not sure if feasible though, would be to receive a notification every time one of your comments get quoted.
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Hey Freak, Great Job with Vol nation, one thing that I think would be cool, but not sure if feasible though, would be to receive a notification every time one of your comments get quoted.

That would be a cool feature and something we may implement at some point. Thanks for the suggestion.
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That's awesome, man! I love hearing from Vol fans around different parts of the company.

I'm thankful for all the great fans like you. It's you guys who keep this place going. Post more often. :hi:

I've lived in California for 10 years (Philly and Dallas before that), and I've tried to spread the love for my Vols, but it's been a rough decade for me out here.

My daughters (7yrs and 3yrs old) love to watch games with me because they giggle at how much Daddy yells, screams, jumps up and down, throws them around, falls to the ground with moans and groans (i.e. Dooley era), etc...

My brother bought me a plane ticket AND tickets to the Mizzou game this year (he lives near there), so I will be attending my first Vols game since the Cal game out here in 2007. Last time I stepped foot in Neyland Stadium was 1999 against Notre Dame. My heart aches for that place..

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