VolNation Awards

Originally posted by orange+white=heaven@Dec 5, 2005 10:44 AM
-funniest post: nominee
for the whole "bang in your YingYang" thing. I later learned it was from a song, but at the time...FUNNY!

My nominees are:

Most valuable: Vol Freak
Most supportive: Lady in Orange
Most Friendly: Volmanjr
Most positive: NCgatorbait
Most knowledgable: Orangewhiteblood,GAvol,Allvol 3 way tie

The rest of the gang all deserve awards in their own right, they all bring a little something different to the board that makes it intresting to hit everyday. I enjoy everyones company and hope its the other way around.

Most Friendly: Volmanjr
quite a few would probably disagree with that one, but thanks :ninja:
Most Likely to give you a Headache Reading his Posts: MemphisVol
Most likely to show up to the Volnation awards bombed: Givem6 and well ummm.....me :blush2:
Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 5, 2005 2:13 PM
Worst tutorial by a Mod - Whoever taught CBC how to post in all orange.  :whistling:

that would be freak and i think ncgatorbait helped me too..

Originally posted by dan4vols@Dec 5, 2005 3:24 PM
Most likely to show up to the Volnation awards bombed: Givem6 and well ummm.....me :blush2:

NOOOO! not you dan! :biggrin2:
Originally posted by dan4vols@Dec 5, 2005 4:15 PM
My nominees are:

Most valuable: Vol Freak
Most supportive: Lady in Orange
Most Friendly: Volmanjr
Most positive: NCgatorbait
Most knowledgable: Orangewhiteblood,GAvol,Allvol 3 way tie


I nominate Dan for Poster Most Likely to Nominate All the Right People for Awards. :D

Since this is becoming a mutual admiration society, I've got to nominate Dan for Poster Most Likely to Sneak Up Out of Nowhere With a Funny Comment that Makes Me Spew Diet Coke on My Monitor.

I don't know why, but Dan makes me laugh.
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Dec 5, 2005 3:29 PM
who would be most likely to BOMB the awards show?
call it the ted kascinskskljfkdfkkdkdfky (misspelled?) award.


Here are some of MY nominees:

VN Poster of the Year kiddiedoc
Best rival fan (Tie) lawgator1 & Fadeproof
Most despised topic "Who will be our QB?"
Most "hip" event VolNation podcast broadcasts
Most hated lingo "ur" instead of "your"
Most absentee member vol_freak
Most entertaining thread Line by Line Limericks
Scariest poster MemphisVol
Most Useless Thread Chick Pics
Best Smiley :Bbiteme:
Most Likely to Get Sunburned when He goes off to college: milohimself (at least it's a dry heat)
Originally posted by dan4vols@Dec 5, 2005 6:54 PM
I never go there :whistling:

I haven't been in there in a while I even forgot the password :(
Most likely to replace Small Mike: Checkerboard Charly
Most likely to wet the bed after a Vol loss: Volmanjr
Sweetest Gal on the Board: LIO
Cooler Heads Prevail Award: GA Vol
Most likely to be on the Math Team: Liper, Volmanjr, OWB, Kiddie Doc
Most likely replacement for Rush Limbaugh: Volunteer
Person you'd like to drink a beer with: USAF Vol
Most likely to be a weekend pimp: JMX
Best Cheerleader: 2345
Most likely to talk about Basketball during Football Season: Me
Most likely to take a cheap shot at Women's Basketball: Me and Jay Hizzy
Most likely to court one of Milo's Ex-Girlfriends: Me
Originally posted by Lexvol@Dec 5, 2005 9:15 PM
Most likely to replace Small Mike: Checkerboard Charly
Most likely to wet the bed after a Vol loss: Volmanjr
Sweetest Gal on the Board: LIO
Cooler Heads Prevail Award: GA Vol
Most likely to be on the Math Team: Liper, Volmanjr, OWB, Kiddie Doc
Most likely replacement for Rush Limbaugh: Volunteer
Person you'd like to drink a beer with: USAF Vol
Most likely to be a weekend pimp: JMX

who is small mike?

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