VolNation website issues..... (SOLVED)

Happens to me too. I assumed it was one of the ads.

It is one of the ads. I just got it.


A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?

Error title:

The page at Google says:

Edit: The google chrome users who are not getting the problem probably have the ad blocker plugin working, which explains why they would not be getting the error.
VN not responding because of long running script, freezing up, and Internet not responding. It's just horrible on my PC.
It is one of the ads. I just got it.


A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?

Error title:

The page at Google says:

Edit: The google chrome users who are not getting the problem probably have the ad blocker plugin working, which explains why they would not be getting the error.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting. And this explanation makes sense.
I just refreshed and did NOT have the error. That's the first time in the last couple of days, at least. Maybe it's fixed?
I've had this problem at work, at home, and at the beach as I write this today. For me, it's been the last two weeks. Very frustrating.
mine says, volnation.com not running due to long running scripts.

mine has been doing it for the last month and I thought maybe it was google spying on me. but chrome is also doing it. dang NSA
Here too! My IE pops up that a problem with the website has caused IE to shut down and recovers site.
Whether from my work computer or my computer at home, I am having lots of issues with this site. A prompt pops up and says that a script is running and may cause it to run slow.....what is this? Its not my computer because it's happening with more than one computer.

Are you specifically getting the "volnation.com will not run/respond due to a long-running script" message? I reported this yesterday to Freak in another thread about site modifications. This has, indeed, become profoundly frustrating.
It's driving me crazy as well. It is only happening on this site for me . I researched this a little, and one potential cause that was mentioned could be the javascript or VBScript code used on this site. One comma hear or there too many, and the computer continually tries to read the info, but cant. I'm definitely not as tech savvy as some on here, but this could be the culprit
Something's wrong. I stop script from running to post this. VolNation needs a doc.
I'm using Firefox on XP Home Edition just fine. Sometimes if things get slow, I will disable scripts which will turn off the side and top bar add stuff.
Are you running internet explorer? I used to have all kinds of issues on VN when I used explorer. Firefox wasn't much better.

Ever since I installed google chrome, I haven't had any issues at all on the desktop version (knock on wood). I'd give that a shot if I were you.

Edit: if you're already using chrome, I'd ask Freak about it. He should be able to point you in the right direction...

Edit 2: I'd also recommend clearing out all cache and temp browser files to see if that helps
Goggle will do the trick.:good!:
I get tons of security warnings and the odd "Please delete this script" at both work and home. I run Explorer on both.

I hope something can be done.

VN Store
