Me too, but keep in mind that if Dooley was winning here we'd all think those things were genius.
Yeah, but Dooley just didn't "get it."
He was so quick to throw players under the bus, talk down his team..."We're just not that good"....remember that? Have you heard CBJ talk like that?
I said at the time and it seemed to be part of the can't keep re-enforcing the negative in your speech and expect the outcome to be anything but. Aim low, hit low. All that other BS, with the orange dog/red dog, Rommel, Bamboo, etc....just goes in one ear and out the other. After that KY loss...or more accurately....BY the KY loss, the players just tuned Dooley out.
I bet many on the team were somewhat depressed when he was hired. Why? Just look at his record. Hamilton hire who? The coach from La Tech, with a losing record.....huh? His daddy having been a long time coach at UGA doesn't change anything. Him being a POSITION coach under Saban never commended him to a HC'ing job.
Now, conversely....CBJ has a winning record/resume the troops can put their confidence in. They NEVER had that with either Kiffin or Dooley.
THIS is precisely why I expect the Vols will surprise a LOT of folks...including most of the jaded, pessimistic fanbase here.