UT is a great place to tailgate ... if you are rich. The Vol Navy and the parking near the stadium seemed reserved for the affluent.
Lot 9 is for Skybox patrons and big $$ donors. They certainly have paid for the privilege of parking near a stadium that they keep afloat. I appreciate what they do for the University AD.Take a look at the level of donation needed for prime seating and factor it in over a number of years.:hi:
UT is a great place to tailgate ... if you are rich. The Vol Navy and the parking near the stadium seemed reserved for the affluent. The strip is a decent place to find adult beverages but most tailgating is tough on the average fan. It is not a diabolical plan, it is reality. The fairground at South Carolina is a real asset for tailgating but they have a horrible stadium to watch a game.
I will continue to tailgate at Neyland but I won't make believe it is #1.