"Vols defense....worth watching"

Its gonna have to be easier to watch than last year. I do think the major problem is gone and UT has enough talent to hold its own. Its not gonna be good enough to lean on to win games every week, but they shouldn't get ripped every series either.
It will interesting to see how Fla State performs this year considering that is where Sal went.
just as Doofey had that bamboo almost grown, he got fired. I hope he took them scars and bamboo with him.
As you know, there is a difference between knowing the technical aspects of a job and being able to actually do the job. I am sure Sal was a great interview who know all the right answers.
I fully expect out secondary to be sub par this year... our front 7 should be middle of the road however.
I think the secondary will be the biggest question on D. They cannot afford injuries. As it is, guys who are probably better suited to play S will be at CB.

The front 7 should be solid barring injury. If this were just a few years ago before VN's confidence was broken, many would be touting the DL as talented enough and deep enough to be dominant.
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Climer makes point, BUT his track record as a sarcastic, smart-aleck, cheap shot artist who only parrots ideas of others is clear. If he were a "journalist he'd be covering the mess in vandie-land.
But, but, but Dooley is a great coach and only needs more time...
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Moronic attempt at sarcasm...

Who is saying he only needs more time? Most of those who argued that he should get a legitimate chance are satisfied that he got it and have moved on. Only a few folks like you seem unable to put his time in perspective and let go.

Nobody is saying it now chief, but there were people saying a year ago. And people like you are unable to let things go. Dr. Phil would call you a "right fighter."

Really? lol

After someone brings it up, and sjt posted a "let it go" response...?
Really? lol

After someone brings it up, and sjt posted a "let it go" response...?

I make some people mad when I say Fulmer failed or that you don't stop managing a program rationally even when you have a coach that appears to be in trouble or on his way out.

One difference that I find hard to keep in mind with some of thes guys is experience. Most have not looked across a table and told someone who thinks they gave it their best shot that the no longer have a job because their best shot was not good enough. Few have had to go through the process of coaching someone on performance. Some people can get better, some cannot. BUT you have to approach them with a plan then work that plan. Generally speaking, it is better and less expensive in every respect to salvage someone than to fire and replace them.

But again, many of these Dooley haters have little if any experience with things like that.
I expect our defense to be one of the best in the nation this year, providing our defensive coordinator knows what he is doing which is up in the air at this point. We have the talent on this side of the ball to be very good. If you think we don't then i don't know what to tell you other than we do.
Moronic attempt at sarcasm...

Who is saying he only needs more time? Most of those who argued that he should get a legitimate chance are satisfied that he got it and have moved on. Only a few folks like you seem unable to put his time in perspective and let go.

Moronic attempt at sarcasm...

Who is saying he only needs more time? Most of those who argued that he should get a legitimate chance are satisfied that he got it and have moved on. Only a few folks like you seem unable to put his time in perspective and let go.

Oskievolum has said, in every single post, that Dooley didn't get enough time. He's theonly one I've said say it, but that's who Beef was referring to....
people just don't understand how good our talent on defense is, we have some depth and the starters should be extremely good i believe so it all depends on the coaching staff's ability to put them right where they need to be. i predict a top 25 defense this year unless the defensive coaching absolutely bites.
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If Dooley had been the right coach with similar results then it would not have been enough time. Leading into '12, DD had only lost to one team he should have beaten while "almost" pulling off a couple of wins in his first season that would have made him look good.

But the pieces were in place by '12 to at least "look" like a contender and to beat someone relevant. He had a team that could have beaten pretty much anyone on the schedule except for maybe Bama... and with a few breaks maybe beat them. But he managed to lose to MSU, Vandy, and Mizzou... none of which would have been "relevant" or "big" wins... PLUS not beating any of the top tier teams... made it obvious that he was taking the program no further than he had.

It was the right time for him to go.

I understand what Oskie is saying to an extent. Three years really wasn't a reasonable amount of time to rebuild the program from where it was with all things considered. The first two years were understandable due to having to rebuild the roster. But last year was a major step backwards. It was probably the most "undercoached" team I have seen at UT except for maybe 2005.
That's why I said "Most".

I know and I agree with your statement. Approx 99.2% agree. However, your first question did ask "who" so I was answering that.... just about the only guy I've seen post he didn't get enough time. Could be others but I doubt it.
If Dooley had been the right coach with similar results then it would not have been enough time. Leading into '12, DD had only lost to one team he should have beaten while "almost" pulling off a couple of wins in his first season that would have made him look good.

But the pieces were in place by '12 to at least "look" like a contender and to beat someone relevant. He had a team that could have beaten pretty much anyone on the schedule except for maybe Bama... and with a few breaks maybe beat them. But he managed to lose to MSU, Vandy, and Mizzou... none of which would have been "relevant" or "big" wins... PLUS not beating any of the top tier teams... made it obvious that he was taking the program no further than he had.

It was the right time for him to go.

I understand what Oskie is saying to an extent. Three years really wasn't a reasonable amount of time to rebuild the program from where it was with all things considered. The first two years were understandable due to having to rebuild the roster. But last year was a major step backwards. It was probably the most "undercoached" team I have seen at UT except for maybe 2005.

Please keep in mind that Dooley was, I think, 4-19 vs the SEC in his 3 seasons on the sidelines. In that case, 3 years was more than enough of Dooley.
i think Coach Dooley did a decent job,while he was here,when he came on board i thought it was a 5 to 6 year job,to get UT back to where it had been,I do believe if Wilcox had of stayed,things would have been different,wasn't it Hart,who said no contract extensions for over a year,that started the exodus of Wilcox and company ? and how many years did Sal get, his Bama buddy? Hart had a big hand in the fall of Dooley,that is my opinion and yes,it i know everybody has one lol there has been a lot of problems at the AD spot for years,for sure and I'm not convinced that Hart is the right man for the job,time will tell though and he seems to have lucked into a good hire with CBJ,they had to pull him from Colorado wasn't it ? he couldn't get his top targets,but anyway Go Vols kick some butt CBJ
Please keep in mind that Dooley was, I think, 4-19 vs the SEC in his 3 seasons on the sidelines. In that case, 3 years was more than enough of Dooley.

In those three years he lost to Kentucky, Vanderbilt and a sorry Missouri team. What other historic loses were we in for down the road?

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