Nor did I. All 4 of the returning starters from last year have talent. Randolph is very good as is Sutton. If some combination of Foreman, Jones, Moseley, etc can play well then they could be very good.
I just think the front 4 are going to need help early. They'll be green for the most part.
Interesting thing I have noticed about this place since Jones arrived. You can diss players all you like and still be a Vol fan in good standing. But if you feel good about the available talent and question the coaches... then you are nothing but a negative hater that should go pull for another team. How is that?
The only reason I think we go 6-6 is because our opponents are very good.
Before too much DL panic sets in, just remember we still have several studs coming this fall to beef up DL. Between Derek Barnett, Dewayne Hendrix, Jashon Robertson and Michael Sawyers at least one or two will make their presence known. Also, Owen Williams, Joe Henderson and Dimaryra Mixon are getting the scheme, routine and fundamentals down now. In the fall they will be more ready to take that next step.
Also don't under sell Vereen, Carr, O'Brian, Saulsberry, Jordan Williams, etc. These guys are slowly getting better and all should be much improved from last year.
Development is like an earthquake, they get a lot of little improvement tremors and then boom those little tremors add up to a major shift in capabilities.
From the way they have talked about practice both sides of the line needs a lot of work.