Vols Football

Do you think that Gerald Riggs will show this year that he is as good a RB as Cedric Houston?

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my wife loves the longhorns.
but she is from texas

i have always like va tech too.

it would have been sweet to play them in the sugar bowl. :banghead:

[how bout the Cobb-Webb combo? and Riggs is the better back , nothing to prove...only thing to see is who will be the #2 in the 1-2 punch this yr.]

You speaka dee truth
I'm making a prediction. Riggs will start with Arian Foster being his back-up. When the more fickle of our fans see AF run the ball, they will all be calling for AF to start. The Riggs is great crowd will immediately change sides.
If that is the case, bring on whoever, whenever. I am a firm believer in the best man getting to lead the mule while the others smell his s***.

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