Vols @ Louisville

This game is strange. The players are standing around, the crowd is quiet, the coaches are dull (except for that little gift from Rick). It is almost as if everyone in the arena are hung over or something. We are very lucky to only be down 1 with no Crump.
where still in it. all we have to do is hit one more shot then louisville in this half and we win. we can control the game. we need to slow things down it looks like were moving to fast for our own good. fouls have killed us or we could be winning big right now. the end of the half was great and i give big props to lofton for hitting all 4 free throws. good half, lets see if we can close this one out and win this game.
its about time wingate has step-up. lets see if we can win this game.
with all the struggles we are having we are only down by three.
Man, I like Lofton. He is smooth and very calm in his shot selection.
even the analyst say there getting away with hands on the jerseys. give us a friggin break.
It's over, I'm afraid. At least UT hung tough with the #17 team.

Either Louisville doesn't deserve to be ranked that high, or we should be ranked higher than we are.
im so ticked off now i want to drive to kentucky and hit the refs. give me a hammer :bash: or a gun :machinegun: or a bat :spank: or a chair :chair: or a jack to rip there cars wheels off :drive2: or maybe just a boxing gloves :boxing:
I've turned the TV off. I'm listening to the Vol Network, but I am so disgusted with this team. AND IT'S NOT THE COACH, FREAK!!!! You cannot coach effort.
I've turned the TV off. I'm listening to the Vol Network, but I am so disgusted with this team. AND IT'S NOT THE COACH, FREAK!!!! You cannot coach effort.
your still listening. hahahahhaha i give up. we havent got nothing all night and im ticked off. i just cant belive this. i hate the refs
These refs suck along with our team. Louisville has been hanging on our backs, grabbing the jersey, hitting our players arms when they are trying to get the ball and then the refs want to make bad calls on us! What is up with that?

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