Vols Play Paintball



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2013

Just something cool the team got together to do. Also for no other reason but to create more QB chaos, its seems Maggitt is a Riley fan. TIFWIW
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The vols football team took the field to play some ball, paint ball that is, this past weekend


Paintball Fun For Vols - UTSPORTS.COM - University of Tennessee Athletics

Frat Kicker Brodus gets hit in the face and it's on the video @ 1:56 mark.
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I love the ORANGE PAINT!

I think the guys wearing short sleeves and shorts were doing this for the first time.:loco:
This is awesome considering I'm a tournament paintball player myself. I bet it would a ton of fun go out and sling some paint with the team.
Seems like Maggit is a Riley fan? Surely you are basing that opinion off that short clip of them together.

Yes. Its seems that 2 second clip Maggit is completely behind Riley for the starting job, and Riley is already showing great leadership in leading his guys onto the battlefield. TIFWIW JMO IMO
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Woody Quinn ain't scared playing in a sleeveless shirt and shorts. That's the attitude I like. I wouldn't do it, but I'm glad some guys on the football team did.
Dude no way haha

Both are cool in their own way. I did the paintball thing first.. I just couldnt get into the whole running around wearing moto x gear like everyone here was doing. I like the whole look aspect of airsoft better. I just hate the bad rep we have due to players who try to play themselves off as the real thing.. anyways back on topic.. lol
In all seriousness....who wouldn't wanna be a Tennessee Vol?

We have a team who seems like a true family.
We have a staff of coaches that genuinely seem to care.
We have a fanbase that is freakin nuts, but we rally behind our players when they need us to. We are ridiculous at times, and we are unreasonable, but we love our Vols, no matter if they're a star or a walk-on.
We have a stadium that should be considered one of the wonders of the world.
We have a campus that is not only beautiful architecturally, but is located in (my opinion) one of the most beautiful parts of the world, in the foothills of the Smokies and the banks of the Tennessee River.
We have fine women. (This should not be understated)
We have great academic areas.
We have Rocky Top
We have the "Woo!"
We have the "T"
We have the Pride of the Southland.
We have the Vol Walk.
We have Smokey, who would rip a Tyrannosaurus Rex to pieces in a fight.
We are represented by alumni like Peyton Manning, Reggie White, Peerless Price, Jamal Lewis, Carl Pickens, Eric Berry.
We have the best conference in college football.
We have peanut butter.

And we're coming back, whether others like it or not.

Who wouldn't wanna be a Vol?
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