Ill give my :twocents: . I was pretty pleased, as someone else posted we wasnt going to see the play book wide open.
Everyone looked sharp heading into saturday eve's scrimmage.
Rick is a QB, thank goodness! Him trying to dunk on the goal post made my day. Showed me he's having a blast!
Ainge was on the money, his release is about as quick as anyones or better.
Brit looked like he was getting some leg into the ball,decent hangtime!
The starters will get a 60% to 40% reps saturday, I think out of this we'll see who's ready to step up into the spotlight.
We show a 2 FB set and D's will load the middle, Not that it may even slow the C-130. But i see anything in that set going over top and around the end. They load up the middle Anderson breaks right or left? Maybe a draw or fake over the middle and Anderson swings out?
I see him getting carries, and when #45 is in they have to respect that.
Decoy and threat. :tease2: