1. Kellen Winslow acted like an idiot after his team got punk'd at home.
2. He made his comments roughly six months into the occupation of Iraq; more than a few cranks found it offensive.
3. I think if he had it to say again he would have reacted differently; he is young, and as such prone to "hoof in mouth disease".
4. I see your definition of an army, and I find it accurate. Frankly, I think it is more the point of the BOA to align itself in recognition with the Army (capitalized proper noun indicating the United States Army given a conversation in an American context).
5. The use of military vehicles, helmets, boots, and the Army's enlisted and officers' ranking system in order to make a buck or 2,500,000 (that's 24.99 x the stated goal of 100,000 members) rankles me slightly given the honor, history, sacrifice, and seriousness I have always associated with our armed forces and the vestiges thereof.
6. If they tried this crap based on the Marine Corps, someone's a$$ would have been kicked LONG ago.
7. If you think it's cool, knock yourself out. It is a free country, bud. For my part, I choose not to cheapen the institutions that ensure said freedom.
...but that's just my opinion.
As for the Kiss army, they kick freaking a$$neck. They also stick to the uniforms of greasepaint, jeans, black t-shirts, and patent leather.
Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds!