VOLS: The Big Orange Army Story

I wish everybody saying "let her sit with me" actually had to let her sit with them. :lol:
OK, first...What the hell is wrong with the Vol Navy. It is one of the greatest traditions in College Football.

Second, that lady is a nut. Cheering is one thing but waving your arms like your trying to flag down the water truck in the Sahara is another. I yell so loud at games that I can barely talk the next day but I do it in a way that makes sense such as when we are on D and we are all trying to make noise to screw up the count for the visitors on offense. Just my .02 but she is more about being loud and obnoxious than cheering.
OK, first...What the hell is wrong with the Vol Navy. It is one of the greatest traditions in College Football.

I think he would agree with you that the Vol Navy is great and all he was saying is that the Vol Army is no big deal and isn't offensive. He only brought up the Vol Navy for the sake of comparing the names.

...and you're right. That lady is a nut.
I can't believe someone brought up the Big Orange Army actually being offensive to our real Army. That is just taking things way out of context, and as for Winsow, if you sat there and took what he said to heart meaning "I'm a soldier" just like the ones we have in Iraq, your naive. He meant I'm a hardass on the football feild. I don't like the guy personally but come on, that quote was taken WAY out of context. If you thought for a minute he meant anything else you were looking for it and not listening to him and being logical about it.

So is the KISS Army offensive too?

Fredrick Taylor created the business term "soldiering" is that offensive should teachers quit teahcing that?

Directly from Websters:

Army: a very large number or group of something; a great multitude; a host

People are way to sensitive these days man, and hearing what they want instead listening, looking at the situation and being logical about what they heard.
1. Kellen Winslow acted like an idiot after his team got punk'd at home.

2. He made his comments roughly six months into the occupation of Iraq; more than a few cranks found it offensive.

3. I think if he had it to say again he would have reacted differently; he is young, and as such prone to "hoof in mouth disease".

4. I see your definition of an army, and I find it accurate. Frankly, I think it is more the point of the BOA to align itself in recognition with the Army (capitalized proper noun indicating the United States Army given a conversation in an American context).

5. The use of military vehicles, helmets, boots, and the Army's enlisted and officers' ranking system in order to make a buck or 2,500,000 (that's 24.99 x the stated goal of 100,000 members) rankles me slightly given the honor, history, sacrifice, and seriousness I have always associated with our armed forces and the vestiges thereof.

6. If they tried this crap based on the Marine Corps, someone's a$$ would have been kicked LONG ago.

7. If you think it's cool, knock yourself out. It is a free country, bud. For my part, I choose not to cheapen the institutions that ensure said freedom.

...but that's just my opinion.

As for the Kiss army, they kick freaking a$$neck. They also stick to the uniforms of greasepaint, jeans, black t-shirts, and patent leather.

Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds! :)
About Winslow.....What he said wasn't smart, I never argued that what he said was right. I'm saying that people "heard what they wanted" as in they heard, "I'm like the soldiers in Iraq right now".Winslow might shoot off at the mouth but the kid isn't brain dead, you might think less of him, but he meant absolutley no disrespect to our soldiers in the Army. His timing might have been bad but if a person whole heartedly believes that Winslow was comparing himself to people that serve our country overseas then their very, very, very naive.

again from Websters.com:

Soldier: a person who contends or serves in any cause

Winslow's cause was football, the quote was made right after a football game where he was explaining how he wasn't going down because he represented the "U" "another cause". Timing might have been bad, he might have been young, but there was no harm. Like I said people searched and found him saying what they wanted to hear him say and hounded him for it.

About the Big Orange Army.....intelligent, level headed people see the BOA as guys from Tennessee that love the Vols. Nothing more nothing less. They do not let it cloud their view on the ARMY. As for the KISS Army there are thousands of websites out there that have KISS Amry Recruiting Offices, where when you enlist you become a "corpral" and so on. But they kick "assneck", so i guess it's cool, pal. There are thousands of "armies" out there that follow the same formula just like "The Kiss Army", and "The Big Orange Army" to arrouse interest and make money and the majority doesn't see them as detrimental to the prestiege of our armed forces, or a "cheaping" of them either.

"Imitation is the sincerest of flattery" :)

Like I said before, his comment was due more to hoof-in-mouth disease than anything else. I don't honestly think he thought it through too far; but it was still offensive to a lot of people. If taking offense to that makes me naive, so be it.

As for the rest, just my opinion, BVN. Who knows, I may end up joining the ranks despite my preliminary misgivings.

PS- you gotta grant me point no. 6!

Well that's pretty bad, and I'm as loud as anyone at the game but I don't act like I'm having a seizure. She doesn't seem to have much football knowledge.

Last year I had to sit in front of this lady all year who every freaking time the play clock got under 10 and we had the ball she would start counting down in this annoying nasally voice 10,9,8,7..... as loud as she could. Very annoying.:realmad:
6. If they tried this crap based on the Marine Corps, someone's a$$ would have been kicked LONG ago.

Having served in the USMC I can tell you that you are right on the money. I would hate to see what would happen if someone tried to use the EGA in their design....
As to the thing about the BOA folks "just trying to make a buck"... they are, FOR CHARITY.

If you check out the website, most of the funds raised go to organizations like the Red Cross, United Way, and local youth programs.

We just signed up as a partner at UT Ice Hockey, we are now the Arctic Patrol division.

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