Voluntters Players - A Word, Please

Because he didn't like your completely unnecessary post (which you obviously made to make YOU feel better), he's not a "real Vol fan"?

How about you get over yourself?

I understand, kid, you haven't had your morning coffee. Maybe this will help:

Actually, it was intentional just to see what a certain faction of fans would say, but I'll change it to make you all feel better. :)

Seriously, too many are too quick to beat our boys up even if no opportunity existed to do so. Just plain ugliness from certain so-called fans. Both gutless and heart-wrenching. Just makes us look like lowlife protoplasmic ooze.

Dripping with irony considering your avatar...
Come on, Woods - all in good fun. Besides, you had to know this wasn't going to end well.

Darn you, Fade, I keep wanting to hate your guts, then you go pull a me on me. Truth, man, I get a kick out of folks on here and the give and take. Plus I don't remember any offense for long, life is too damn silly to be taken seriously.

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