vomit, vomit

Then don't read it. Anyone that has any competitive spirit should not accept something like this. Regardless of how irrational it is. I'm not sure what the worst loss margin for an SEC team is, but I'll bet this one will be right up there and will be forever mentioned.

I didn't say anything about accepting a loss like this or any loss. I was referring to all these damn threads that pop up after a loss.
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UVA looked better against them than we do....

I think you guys are better than UVA.

Never underestimate the power of JET LAG.

We stomped UVA even though we were jet lagged.

You all were playing on the road, with massive Jet Lag.

(You do need to do something about your QB tho, he sucks badly when pressured.)
Yeah getting beat by the #2 team in the nation sure is an all time low...

Please stop posting OP, it would make the world a better place
Yeah getting beat by the #2 team in the nation sure is an all time low...

Please stop posting OP, it would make the world a better place
Yep, losing is a good thing. Losing is losing as far as I know. Oh and by the way this is the worst loss we have suffered since 1905.
Then don't read it. Anyone that has any competitive spirit should not accept something like this. Regardless of how irrational it is. I'm not sure what the worst loss margin for an SEC team is, but I'll bet this one will be right up there and will be forever mentioned.
Won't be mentioned after this season.
Oregon may be remembered as one of the best offenses to ever play the game though.
UVA looked better against them than we do....

I disagree. I think Oregon just looked worse against UVA, who they made plenty of mistakes against. Guys, just be realistic, it's going to take time and Oregon is a national title contender. We just don't have the talent (yet) to battle a team like them.
most everyone was expecting that.
It is that we played so bad, in every aspect of the game.

We looked like a bad high school team.

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