TennStud has been talking a lot about Marlon Walls lately among other things. This is what he said.
1.Marlon only stayed at Hargrave for 1/2 the year, on scholarship, and because all kinds of grade difficulties, he left.
2.Lane and Coach Orgeron will visit with him and Aubrey Phillips at Olive Branch Monday.
3.Marlon is in constant contact and working with Scott Althimer(?) in the UT athletic director's office and the clearing house as far as his grades. He is taking other courses on line, and is expected to meet all the clearing house requirements by May.
4.Marlon is working with a work out specialist, doing what UT wants.
5.Lane visited with Marlon when he visited Memphis and was NOT aware of all of Marlon's grade problems but has gotten involved.
6. Marlon was given a $200 Big Orange jacket for Christmas by his family which he wears constatnly, is working diligently on Aubrey Phillips, who is still all UT, but keeping his options open.
7. When I hear the term "interview" I think of an in person interview. UT tried to meet with Trooper Taylor, in person, but logistics prevented that so Lane talked to Trooper on the phone. At that time, Trooper was more of less informed that UT would not be trying to work out a deal with him, thus UT and Trooper rumors are and have been just that, with Trooper even misinforming one of his on players, Jamal Moslely when Troopermentioned UT as a possibility. NONE, none, what so ever. Unfortunately........Fulmer has told a mutual friend that while Trooper is a good recruiter, not as good as Rodney, Trooper's main asset was his communicating, keeping the players in line, doing what's right.
8. Marlon is now 6-3, 265, and quite,quite, excited over the new coaching staff.