Wanna see gs, joe, and sjt18's heads explode?

Oh, in a lot of places I think people would either assume it from a name or the opposing candidate would find out and point that out. It's not an easy thing to hide, really.

Do most try to hide it?

Is it about politics and winning an election or being up front about who you are and what you believe, like me or not.

One might serve them self better by being open about it. I would be. Unless your looking to disguise yourself as something your not. (which fits many politicians, and the political games that are played)
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Do most try to hide it?

Is it about politics and winning an election or being up front about who you are and what you believe, like me or not.

One might serve them self better by being open about it. I would be. Unless your looking to disguise yourself as something your not. (which fits many politicians, and the political games that are played)

And which gs, joe, and sjt would assume of any Muslim running for office.
And which gs, joe, and sjt would assume of any Muslim running for office.

If a political candidate you were interested in would not take questions about a topic that could affect their job performance, would you question voting for them? Religious or other.
If a political candidate you were interested in would not take questions about a topic that could affect their job performance, would you question voting for them? Religious or other.

I daresay that a Christian doesn't even get the question, more often than not. I suppose in today's climate Muslims running for office should probably expect to be asked about it.

I doubt gs and joe would never vote for a Muslim, no matter what. Sjt says he could, if the canddiate were "open" about his or her faith and its role. But who really believes that?

He'd justify not voting for the Muslim on grounds that he doesn't believe they are being open enough.
I daresay that a Christian doesn't even get the question, more often than not. I suppose in today's climate Muslims running for office should probably expect to be asked about it.

I doubt gs and joe would never vote for a Muslim, no matter what. Sjt says he could, if the canddiate were "open" about his or her faith and its role. But who really believes that?

He'd justify not voting for the Muslim on grounds that he doesn't believe they are being open enough.

So no answer on what you would do?

But you can guess at what Sjt would do no matter what he says?

What was the purpose of this thread again, arson?
I daresay that a Christian doesn't even get the question, more often than not. I suppose in today's climate Muslims running for office should probably expect to be asked about it.

I doubt gs and joe would never vote for a Muslim, no matter what. Sjt says he could, if the canddiate were "open" about his or her faith and its role. But who really believes that?

He'd justify not voting for the Muslim on grounds that he doesn't believe they are being open enough.

I guess you must have missed all of the Huckabee and Romney debates last election... being a liberal and all.

LG knows what you "really mean" regardless of what you say.

Edit... at times he even knows what you "really mean" even if you don't say anything.
Their irrational, bigoted, inane, uninformed, constant Islamaphobia pretty much kills any doubt ...

Yet you failed to answer a direct question on the subject.

As you stated, "pretty much kills any doubt".

Edit : Instead of asking questions, why not just go ahead and call em bigots, and get that out of the way on the front end.
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I'm still waiting on more atheist politicians to get elected that are open about their views on faith and how it has no relevence whatsoever on how they make decisions.
So because she's Muslim you want her to discuss her religious views and how they affect her politics, and you are okay with it only if she does so? If she were Christian you would not impose the same requirement....

Yes. I really do appreciate it when politicians acknowledge that their religious or philosophical views inform their political positions. I wish more would defy the left and do so. You all have demagogued this particular aspect of reality so much that politicians either have to act as if their views are part of some "group think" political party or else appeared out of no rational process at all.

The reason it would be more important for me as a voter for her to explain it is that unlike you I am not in denial about what many if not most Muslims believe about the relationship between Islam and gov't. I would want her to specifically say that she believed in the American conception of religious freedom and separation of religion and state.
If a candidate for local office is a Muslim, but won't discuss it, is that a problem for anyone? I suspect it would be for a lot of people, whether they'd say so or not.

Yes. As you have so eagerly pointed out in the past many Muslims are moderate. Many are not... which you seem to want to deny. I would most definitely want to know I wasn't electing someone who believed Sharia should be taught and enforced in public schools.

If someone was from an extremist, revolutionary "Christian" group that wanted to use gov't to impose their religious point of view and forcibly convert everyone... wouldn't you want to know?

Woops... sorry about that. I forgot. You don't. You have no interest in Wright's and Black Liberation Theology's influence on Obama, do you?
Oh, in a lot of places I think people would either assume it from a name or the opposing candidate would find out and point that out. It's not an easy thing to hide, really.

You are a very, very narrow minded person. While many people with arabic sounding names are Muslim, many others are Christian or even Jewish.
I daresay that a Christian doesn't even get the question, more often than not. I suppose in today's climate Muslims running for office should probably expect to be asked about it.
Really? The left hasn't tried to make being associated with the "religious right" a test for office? The left didn't go nuts because Palin was a conservative evangelical against things like abortion and for home schooling rights?

Well I guess technically the left doesn't ask much less give space for response.... they just demonize.

I doubt gs and joe would never vote for a Muslim, no matter what. Sjt says he could, if the canddiate were "open" about his or her faith and its role. But who really believes that?
What would lead you to question my honesty about this? I have voted for Catholics.... and have just about as much disagreement with them as I do a moderate Muslim.

I want to know what a candidate's positions are AND more importantly the process of reasoning and premises that got them there.

He'd justify not voting for the Muslim on grounds that he doesn't believe they are being open enough.
Once again you presume to read a person's mind that you do not know and speak for them... and you had the audacity to suggest that I was being dishonest?

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