WaPo: Diversify ‘Overwhelmingly White and Christian’ Wyoming with Afghans


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

The Washington Post is promoting a proposal to diversify the “overwhelmingly white and Christian” state of Wyoming by resettling Afghans in the region.

As part of President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan, his administration plans to resettle at least 95,000 Afghans across 46 states. The only states or territories not taking Afghans are Hawaii, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, DC.

Wyoming is the only state in the nation where the federal government does not annually resettle refugees. That is mostly because none of the nine taxpayer-funded refugee contractors have offices in the state.

In a piece titled “One state has never taken in refugees. Will it welcome Afghans?,” the Post explores a proposal by a local Episcopal church in Casper, Wyoming, to take in Afghans.

WaPo: Diversify 'Overwhelmingly White, Christian' Wyoming with Afghans
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If you are white and Christian, you could almost get the idea that they are espousing your elimination by "breeding" you away, sort of a slow genocide. Now who was the last leader famous for a similar idea but for a different group? hmmmm....
How long did it take to find Gabby, and she was only 20' off a main road? I suspect that's why they aren't settling them in WV too.
If you are white and Christian, you could almost get the idea that they are espousing your elimination by "breeding" you away, sort of a slow genocide. Now who was the last leader famous for a similar idea but for a different group? hmmmm....
I just don't understand what white liberals have to gain from this type of demographic manipulation. They destroy everything they touch. The black community is a lost cause thanks to these clowns and now they are going after the larger society.
If you are white and Christian, you could almost get the idea that they are espousing your elimination by "breeding" you away, sort of a slow genocide. Now who was the last leader famous for a similar idea but for a different group? hmmmm....

It’s been in the playbook for a long time now. Look at what the white, Christian European continent looks like now.
I just don't understand what white liberals have to gain from this type of demographic manipulation. They destroy everything they touch. The black community is a lost cause thanks to these clowns and now they are going after the larger society.

Leftist policies have been destroying the black community for decades. At this point, we need to consider that destroying the black community may have been the goal, regardless of the stated intent.
I was just out in Jackson Hole for a week. I was surprised by how many Eastern Europeans there were from the old Soviet bloc.

Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians…

They were everywhere: front desk, Starbucks, grocery store, bars and restaurants, everywhere…

Not sure what’s attracting them to that area, especially given the outrageous cost of living. Probably not the right diversity for some though.
I just don't understand what white liberals have to gain from this type of demographic manipulation. They destroy everything they touch. The black community is a lost cause thanks to these clowns and now they are going after the larger society.

The manipulation by the white liberal is the biggest travesty of the black community from single parent households and the welfare state to illegal immigration in low and middle class mostly black areas overwhelming the local economy and the school system to where it is trash. They developed deviant ways to infiltrate the communities as friends. Even the idea of violence as normal so accept it and police less and make middle class neighborhoods grow less attractive. Blacks will see they are moving to 3rd on the importance totem pole by their own doing and importing large numbers of other races illegally as protection of the democrat power struggle in case blacks start to abandon the party. Bigotry and racism at it's finest.
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Good! America deserves everything bad that is happening!
If you are white and Christian, you could almost get the idea that they are espousing your elimination by "breeding" you away, sort of a slow genocide. Now who was the last leader famous for a similar idea but for a different group? hmmmm....
I just don't understand what white liberals have to gain from this type of demographic manipulation. They destroy everything they touch. The black community is a lost cause thanks to these clowns and now they are going after the larger society.
It’s been in the playbook for a long time now. Look at what the white, Christian European continent looks like now.
I'm curious what these guys would have to say.............
Native American tribes of Wyoming include the Arapaho, the Cheyenne, the Crow, the Shoshone, the Ute.
That they should have had better immigration control.
The old "take what you can get however you can get it and then make sure no one takes it back from you" mentality.
Now that's the America we all know and love.

Or maybe the tribes are just sitting back and smiling, secure in their knowledge that it will ultimately go full circle.

Who knows?
I don't think anyone is arguing against resetting them.

But when you're doing so based on the sole idea of making an area more "diversified" just screams racism.
Maybe it's just their turn:
From the linked article.......Wyoming is the only state in the nation where the federal government does not annually resettle refugees.
What was wrong with a European flock a few hundred years ago?

You dummy’s love flocks of tan or black migrants...
I'm not the one seeing the difference.........That would be the pale faces.
The old "take what you can get however you can get it and then make sure no one takes it back from you" mentality.
Now that's the America we all know and love.

Or maybe the tribes are just sitting back and smiling, secure in their knowledge that it will ultimately go full circle.

Who knows?


Jen, We're not circling back to the Injuns taking over, they can't stay sober long enough. But the Injuns are a great example of what happens when you don't control immigration, the natives get pushed out and relegated to irrelevance.

Jen, We're not circling back to the Injuns taking over, they can't stay sober long enough. But the Injuns are a great example of what happens when you don't control immigration, the natives get pushed out and relegated to irrelevance.
Which is why we control immigration as we do.
Circle the wagons, Jeb.

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