WaPo: Diversify ‘Overwhelmingly White and Christian’ Wyoming with Afghans

Leftist policies have been destroying the black community for decades. At this point, we need to consider that destroying the black community may have been the goal, regardless of the stated intent.
We were the guinea pigs for their ultimate plans of crushing the entire country. They have refined their tactics now.
This looks like the latest occurrence of confusing forced migration with immigration. They aren’t the same with regards to the impacts on the areas the migrants resettle to.
Isn't bush responsible for this by invading Afghanistan all those years ago. Talk about complaining about the rain when you made the weather.
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^^^^^liberal blame passing by retarded logic on full display again

Yes bud. Its all Republicans fault.

Because attacking a known terrorist group and seizing power from the oppressive Taliban in the Stan is the EXACT same thing as completely abandoning those people, fleeing scared while endangering all of our allies on the ground, loading 95000 unvetted afghans onto planes then FORCING them on states whose voting constituents DO NOT want them living here at all....

Those 2 things are exactly the same. If you are delusional and need help badly with logic and reason.

For sane adults...not at all.
I was just out in Jackson Hole for a week. I was surprised by how many Eastern Europeans there were from the old Soviet bloc.

Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians…

They were everywhere: front desk, Starbucks, grocery store, bars and restaurants, everywhere…

Not sure what’s attracting them to that area, especially given the outrageous cost of living. Probably not the right diversity for some though.

Maybe November to March looks and feels like the old country?
^^^^^liberal blame passing by retarded logic on full display again

Yes bud. Its all Republicans fault.

Because attacking a known terrorist group and seizing power from the oppressive Taliban in the Stan is the EXACT same thing as completely abandoning those people, fleeing scared while endangering all of our allies on the ground, loading 95000 unvetted afghans onto planes then FORCING them on states whose voting constituents DO NOT want them living here at all....

Those 2 things are exactly the same. If you are delusional and need help badly with logic and reason.

For sane adults...not at all.
Sorry but what was done by the Bush admin in Iraq and Afg is light years worse than anything the Biden admin has done.
Sorry but what was done by the Bush admin in Iraq and Afg is light years worse than anything the Biden admin has done.

I'm not sure you can make that claim. Good debate but they both are bad. This is intentional by the Biden administration and unlawful.
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I'm not sure you can make that claim. Good debate but they both are bad. This is intentional by the Biden administration and unlawful.
I'm not sure how it's a debate by anyone being honest. Hundreds of thousands dead, region destabilized, trillions spent, more terrorists now than before, etc. Yes the past 2 decades have been worse and it could be argued that was intentional as well
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I'm not sure how it's a debate by anyone being honest. Hundreds of thousands dead, region destabilized, trillions spent, more terrorists now than before, etc. Yes the past 2 decades have been worse and it could be argued that was intentional as well

One story has been written while the other one hasn't. They both are egregious.

We exacerbated the issue further destabilizing the region under Obama/Biden.

There are expected to be 2 million illegals that arrive at the border this year alone. We don't know the criminal records, medical records, etc of these people. It will end up costing this country trillions when you look at continous generations of residual costs in our communities. We have no idea how many terrorists we have willingly allowed to come in from across the world along with thousands of unvetted Afghans flown in who are already committing crimes. They will add to the crime rates, the fentanyl that drive bad behavior, and what it will do to local school systems that already are overcrowded and provide poor educations. Many will be immediately eligible for food stamps and other programs. There will be some assimilation issues as well.
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The quickest way for America to become a third world country is to import third worlders. Also this makes zero logistical sense. Why move these people from middle eastern countries across the ocean into America? I guess the major political donors want these third worlders in our country, but I don’t know why.
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The quickest way for America to become a third world country is to import third worlders. Also this makes zero logistical sense. Why move these people from middle eastern countries across the ocean into America? I guess the major political donors want these third worlders in our country, but I don’t know why.

I'd put money down on this board griping and complaining if we'd left American partnered Afghanis in Afghanistan to be murdered by the Taliban. It's a no-win situation.
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The quickest way for America to become a third world country is to import third worlders. Also this makes zero logistical sense. Why move these people from middle eastern countries across the ocean into America? I guess the major political donors want these third worlders in our country, but I don’t know why.

I think they should resettle them in a more familiar environment like California.

You know? Frequent power outages, gunfire, squalor and being allowed to deficate anywhere you want, places burning down around you, draconian laws...

They'd feel right at home.
The old "take what you can get however you can get it and then make sure no one takes it back from you" mentality.
Now that's the America we all know and love.

Or maybe the tribes are just sitting back and smiling, secure in their knowledge that it will ultimately go full circle.

Who knows?

Thanks to you and leftist loonies?
I'm really confused as to why they would advocate for refugees resettling with all those bigots that supposedly live in Wyoming.

Wouldn't they be better off living in areas more controlled by democrats?
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I'm really confused as to why they would advocate for refugees resettling with all those bigots that supposedly live in Wyoming.

Wouldn't they be better off living in areas more controlled by democrats?

CO would probably be more fitting than WY - at least the part of CO the libs rule.

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