Wapo promotes sexualizing of kids

The idea of an opinion piece (which is what it WaPo posted) is not to say "Hey! Here's what we believe in!" but to engender discussion on difficult topics.

I neither agree with the author of the opinion piece nor her stance on the subject - strongly so, to be blunt - but I at least have an understanding of the point of an OpEd section of a newspaper.

FrontPageMag, it seems, neither understands the role of an opinion article in provoking discussion nor the fact that a newspaper can a clearly labeled opinion they are on fact diametrically opposed to.
I bet WaPo is even soliciting well-written and well thought out responses to the opinion piece. I would encourage some of you to consider it. No blue font; there are some solid thinkers here who could put together a publishable counter.
The idea of an opinion piece (which is what it WaPo posted) is not to say "Hey! Here's what we believe in!" but to engender discussion on difficult topics.

I neither agree with the author of the opinion piece 0nor her stance on the subject - strongly so, to be blunt - but I at least have an understanding of the point of an OpEd section of a newspaper.

FrontPageMag, it seems, neither understands the role of an opinion article in provoking discussion nor the fact that a newspaper can a clearly labeled opinion they are on fact diametrically opposed to.

To allow opinion pieces like this, is the start. Next, you'll see stories pre-teen explaining the closet love for adults and the writer then asks " how can we deny these feelings"

the liberal's argument and justification. if a kid has the maturity to get an abortion or change their sex, what should keep them from having experiences with adults? Your neutrality (or moral justification) allows this to continue to advance. These opinion pieces will contine to influence academia and so on.
The idea of an opinion piece (which is what it WaPo posted) is not to say "Hey! Here's what we believe in!" but to engender discussion on difficult topics.

I neither agree with the author of the opinion piece nor her stance on the subject - strongly so, to be blunt - but I at least have an understanding of the point of an OpEd section of a newspaper.

FrontPageMag, it seems, neither understands the role of an opinion article in provoking discussion nor the fact that a newspaper can a clearly labeled opinion they are on fact diametrically opposed to.
The Lgbtq community no longer has the argument against pedophilia. They opened it up with two arguments that help pedophiles.

1. I was born this way

2. They believe children have the ability to consent to surgery and life altering hormone therapy. Since they can consent now, who's to tell them they can't have a relationship with a 40 year old? Society has accepted the skewed line by voting in people who blur the line of consent. The slippery slope crowd said it would happen and it already has.

Society has a choice. It's up to the liberals to finally condemn it. But I don't think they will because that means killing the kid gender change idea.
The Lgbtq community no longer has the argument against pedophilia. They opened it up with two arguments that help pedophiles.

1. I was born this way

2. They believe children have the ability to consent to surgery and life altering hormone therapy. Since they can consent now, who's to tell them they can't have a relationship with a 40 year old? Society has accepted the skewed line by voting in people who blur the line of consent. The slippery slope crowd said it would happen and it already has.

Society has a choice. It's up to the liberals to finally condemn it. But I don't think they will because that means killing the kid gender change idea.

Correct, if there are no objective truths then one can make an argument for any lifestyle
The Lgbtq community no longer has the argument against pedophilia. They opened it up with two arguments that help pedophiles.

1. I was born this way

2. They believe children have the ability to consent to surgery and life altering hormone therapy. Since they can consent now, who's to tell them they can't have a relationship with a 40 year old? Society has accepted the skewed line by voting in people who blur the line of consent. The slippery slope crowd said it would happen and it already has.

Society has a choice. It's up to the liberals to finally condemn it. But I don't think they will because that means killing the kid gender change idea.
Degeneracy begets degeneracy begets degeneracy. This has been the case for as long as humanity has existed. Screeching about "slippery slopes" is a sure sign of both moral and mental deficiency.

The spiritual side of me notes that all of this is to be expected. It's not new. Verses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy even talk about the abuse of children in old societies.
Degeneracy begets degeneracy begets degeneracy. This has been the case for as long as humanity has existed. Screeching about "slippery slopes" is a sure sign of both moral and mental deficiency.

The spiritual side of me notes that all of this is to be expected. It's not new. Verses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy even talk about the abuse of children in old societies.
Most falling of empires have a moral decline and it includes similar issues.
Yeah this is bad parenting, but it's not pedophilia and this thread is basically a fool's embellishment and a handful of morons joining that embellishment.

Cheering on the OP is the VN equivalent of oral herpes and a lot of y'all have spotty lips these days.
Yeah this is bad parenting, but it's not pedophilia and this thread is basically a fool's embellishment and a handful of morons joining that embellishment.

Cheering on the OP is the VN equivalent of oral herpes and a lot of y'all have spotty lips these days.

Nothing to see here folks. Right dinka? Talking about the moron.
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Yeah this is bad parenting, but it's not pedophilia and this thread is basically a fool's embellishment and a handful of morons joining that embellishment.

Cheering on the OP is the VN equivalent of oral herpes and a lot of y'all have spotty lips these days.

You calling others foolish after this post? Take a nap Karen.
Degeneracy begets degeneracy begets degeneracy. This has been the case for as long as humanity has existed. Screeching about "slippery slopes" is a sure sign of both moral and mental deficiency.

The spiritual side of me notes that all of this is to be expected. It's not new. Verses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy even talk about the abuse of children in old societies.

Rome and greece were big in boys, i guess the verse "nothing new under the sun" is accurate. One thing that's always consistent human depravity never ends, just repackaged
Bro, you're in here gawking with a poster who is obsessed with boys diddling boys. I will absolutely call you foolish, you bigoted, little neckbeard.

Lol, really?. It's your party who supports kids dressing up as trannies. Your party who supports trannies reading to kids so they'll see how normal they are. Face it, you support sodomy of all ages. You'll be defending pedophilia one day.
It's not pedophilia.

I'll tell you what it is from your end: projection. Doth protest too frequently and obsessively.

No its not but its the progression that will eventually lax laws to protect kids. You will support this one day and make excuse that it doesnt bother you, etc...

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