Wapo promotes sexualizing of kids

Lol, really?. It's your party who supports kids dressing up as trannies. Your party who supports trannies reading to kids so they'll see how normal they are. Face it, you support sodomy of all ages. You'll be defending pedophilia one day.
I’m not sure Dink has a party….. the guy is a free spirit
Most falling of empires have a moral decline and it includes similar issues.


Judgy person observes people with different morals than them.

Empire falls.

Judgy person says "hey, it's because of the decline of morals" regardless of whether or not there is actually a collective decline happening and/or was a causal factor.

You create your own convenient narrative to explain the world around you but there is absolutely nothing objective about this. Can you confidently name an empire that fell because of moral decline? I mean, I know you can say "Rome" or something, but how on earth does anybody know their morals collectively declined?

Judgy person observes people with different morals than them.

Empire falls.

Judgy person says "hey, it's because of the decline of morals" regardless of whether or not there is actually a collective decline happening and/or was a causal factor.

You create your own convenient narrative to explain the world around you but there is absolutely nothing objective about this. Can you confidently name an empire that fell because of moral decline? I mean, I know you can say "Rome" or something, but how on earth does anybody know their morals collectively declined?
In the time it was happening you saw the problem in the military, the hiring of various tribes to fight for them, the decline in the quality of the city of Rome from clean to dirty, crime went up, etc. You make a point in that in the moment its probably not recognizable to the citizens. I can agree with that but with our benefit of hindsight, we shouldn't be repeating it.
Lol, really?. It's your party who supports kids dressing up as trannies. Your party who supports trannies reading to kids so they'll see how normal they are. Face it, you support sodomy of all ages. You'll be defending pedophilia one day.


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