Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, eggs, covid,etc (split from recruiting forum)

You might be underpaid! I think TSA overall average is $60k.

Either way TSA is not going out of their way to try and find THC in your bag. Don’t travel with flower but edibles and even pens are gonna be fine (put cartridge and body of pen in different places in your bag).
or just don't break the law
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I hate communism and I hate unregulated greed. There has to be a fair middle ground where working class people can do well.

If you want to see what unregulated greed looks like...go back to the Gilded Age.

For example..what the coal mine owners did to the poor sods that worked themselves to death for nothing here in the coal fields before the labor union is sickening to anyone with a heart..the unions made it so a working man could have something.
I am not in favor of unregulated greed. As a libertarian, I generally also break issues into fundamental human rights on either side of the equation. (And lack thereof, by the way...)

In most cases, complaining about college football ticket prices and complaints of "F poor people" are short-sighted caricatures and extreme first world problems. The next question becomes, "What would you do about it, and what right do you have to anything about it?"

Is attendance to college football games an inherent right that we are all afforded? Would you balk at paying off student loans and then argue to give everyone a ticket to the college football game of their choice? How would you see it if you started a business and someone told you that they have a right to the product over and above your right to profits?

I have some bad news for the board. There are wealthy people and there are poor people. There will always be things some people can't afford. You can quip "So In guess it's F poor people" for any of these. But the next question will generally need to be, "what's your solution?" and the answer to most of these will be some form of "socialism" that puts the right of one person to partake over the right of others to charge (or the rights of the group/gov't to take from hard workers in the form of taxation for subsidies).

Here's a radical idea. If you can't afford a Porsche, don't buy one. If you can't afford college, go to trade school. If you can't afford to attend college football games, watch on TV. If you can't afford a TV and don't have friends who'd let you watch it with them, you may be the problem.

But at the end of the day, College Football game attendance isn't the same thing as coal miners dying in a shaft, and if you were going to offer a 'fix' that would allow people who can't afford attendance to attend, it'd probably be some form of socialism (as @Jackcrevol alluded to).

Cheers, mate.
At other dispensaries like in Cali/Vegas all the edibles I’ve had just appeared as normal candy etc. out of the wrapping. I noticed in Denver every single product had a weed stamp, I assume for airport purposes. I understand you can put it in another bag as trippie suggests, but if they examine the product it’s a clear indicator. Also noticed you can’t take rental cars outside Colorado. I was just going to skip my return flight home and drive, but they told me I couldn’t return the car anywhere outside of Colorado.
Normal bags of candy should not have anything like a logo on it.

They will not “examine” your bag of regular nerd clusters.
Or just legalize it everywhere
Whoa buddy...who. That role benefit everyone, federal gov would avoid massive expense on incarceration, customs and border could focus on real issues, tax dollars would bring up rural areas desperate need of good income. Cancer patients would have access to something that would help them with their illness.

Take your logic and GET OUT!!
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Whoa buddy...who. That role benefit everyone, federal gov would avoid massive expense on incarceration, customs and border could focus on real issues, tax dollars would bring up rural areas desperate need of good income. Cancer patients would have access to something that would help them with their illness.

Take your logic and GET OUT!!
Seems like CBD and THC have so many beneficial effects on pain, inflammation, etc... Have we ever considered that it's Big Pharma behind weed's 'schedule' problem?
Seems like CBD and THC have so many beneficial effects on pain, inflammation, etc... Have we ever considered that it's Big Pharma behind weed's 'schedule' problem?
Wife taught severely mentally handicapped kids for 30 years. Some would have dozens of seizures a day. Marijuana would have been a huge blessing for them and their parents. Legalization should not rely on social stigma.
I am not in favor of unregulated greed. As a libertarian, I generally also break issues into fundamental human rights on either side of the equation. (And lack thereof, by the way...)

In most cases, complaining about college football ticket prices and complaints of "F poor people" are short-sighted caricatures and extreme first world problems. The next question becomes, "What would you do about it, and what right do you have to anything about it?"

Is attendance to college football games an inherent right that we are all afforded? Would you balk at paying off student loans and then argue to give everyone a ticket to the college football game of their choice? How would you see it if you started a business and someone told you that they have a right to the product over and above your right to profits?

I have some bad news for the board. There are wealthy people and there are poor people. There will always be things some people can't afford. You can quip "So In guess it's F poor people" for any of these. But the next question will generally need to be, "what's your solution?" and the answer to most of these will be some form of "socialism" that puts the right of one person to partake over the right of others to charge (or the rights of the group/gov't to take from hard workers in the form of taxation for subsidies).

Here's a radical idea. If you can't afford a Porsche, don't buy one. If you can't afford college, go to trade school. If you can't afford to attend college football games, watch on TV. If you can't afford a TV and don't have friends who'd let you watch it with them, you may be the problem.

But at the end of the day, College Football game attendance isn't the same thing as coal miners dying in a shaft, and if you were going to offer a 'fix' that would allow people who can't afford attendance to attend, it'd probably be some form of socialism (as @Jackcrevol alluded to).

Cheers, mate.
Seems like CBD and THC have so many beneficial effects on pain, inflammation, etc... Have we ever considered that it's Big Pharma behind weed's 'schedule' problem?
Getting a country off of legal opiates, would benefit everyone long term. But insurance and pharma have shown that profit over care is modus operandi.

Its sickening that these criminals have openly bragged on record about people addicted. Meanwhile cartels record record profits, getting people hooked on Fentanyl.

Read Bristol police caught a woman with 2,000 fentanyl pills. This is happening, right now. So, WV, SW VA, NE TN is going to have a plague of addiction. Its happening.

Annnd just saw this in the news🤦🏼‍♂️

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Dude I absolutely hate walking into the boys bathroom during school because I know I'm going to have to walk 2-3 boys to the SRO officer to get searched because they're sharing a THC vape. I had one of my students get 180 because the idiot held all of his groups vapes and wouldn't rat any out.

Kid has the makings of a good mafia member...if it still existed. 180 days for something legal in half the country is crazy.

I got expelled twice in HS in the late 90's. Brought a bottle of Makers Mark in a huge squirter bottle near the end of first semester of sophomore year at Powell. It was for after school but I made mistake of telling a couple friends. I was fine with my 20oz bottle of Coke that I put a nice sized squirt of Makers in but my friend Shawnna asked for a small swig out of squirt bottle. Her "small sip" was huge gulps before I snatched it away. She puked on her desk in class and it reeked of alcohol. She ratted me out and principal cut me off before I could ditch it in trash can. Expelled rest of year.

My junior year I walked into school late with 2 friends. We had been smoking weed at my best friend's house and came in an hour late. He started freaking out on way in because he forgot the weed was in his pocket so I told him to give to me. Principal (who hated me) saw us walking and told us to follow to office. I tossed the bag when he turned around. Bag was "found" but they couldn't prove whose it was. 2 months later in last week of school they came and got me out of class and said I was permanently expelled from all Knox County schools. I fought to school board and head of security for all schools said I could return if I passed a polygraph. A freaking lie detector for a dime bag of weed!?

I said screw that and worked all summer to pay to go to West End Academy private school for Senior year. Still graduated early with a 3.5 gpa.
Insurance Companies are the devil.
I've worked for a few insurance companies in my time. My experience is that they are not charities, but are also not as evil as they have been portrayed. As I see it, there was a great need to vilify and demonize insurance companies in order to get ObamaCare passed. The logic was that Insurance companies are greedy, profit-making demons that screw people, and the government needs to fix it.

My experience from inside is that they generally try to do the right thing, but you can't cheat math. If all of these things are true, what are you going to do?

1-Medical care costs have skyrocketed.
2-Insurance companies pay the skyrocketed medical costs.
3-If the insurance company doesn't make more than they pay out, they will go bankrupt and pay no medical costs in comparison to the thin line budget of what they'd paid.

But by all means, we should ignore the math and the thin margins in underwriting. We should vilify insurance companies instead of viewing the medical industry through AntiTrust lenses. The way it went down makes me suspect two things. The gov't had a power-grabbing agenda, and the medical industry donated more money to the gov't than the insurance industry did.
Use to smoke a pack a day.

Definitely doable.

For those wanting to quit. I promise it takes 2 weeks of not smoking and you feel instantly better and don’t need one.

Yep, vaping got me to stop smoking cigarettes but I do still vape with lowest nicotine level. I can smell, taste food and don't smell like cigarettes.

Vaping is not healthy but much better than cigarettes, especially right kind of vape. My vape is a nicer one and the juice I use only has Vegetable Glycerine (Veggie sugar) and Propylene Glycol which is a chemical found in most food. Only other ingredient is artificial flavor (Vanilla, Strawberry, Butter Pecan Ice Cream, etc).

The worse vapes are the cheap ones at gas stations that are single use or have replaceable cartridges.
I've worked for a few insurance companies in my time. My experience is that they are not charities, but are also not as evil as they have been portrayed. As I see it, there was a great need to vilify and demonize insurance companies in order to get ObamaCare passed. The logic was that Insurance companies are greedy, profit-making demons that screw people, and the government needs to fix it.

My experience from inside is that they generally try to do the right thing, but you can't cheat math. If all of these things are true, what are you going to do?

1-Medical care costs have skyrocketed.
2-Insurance companies pay the skyrocketed medical costs.
3-If the insurance company doesn't make more than they pay out, they will go bankrupt and pay no medical costs in comparison to the thin line budget of what they'd paid.

But by all means, we should ignore the math and the thin margins in underwriting. We should vilify insurance companies instead of viewing the medical industry through AntiTrust lenses. The way it went down makes me suspect two things. The gov't had a power-grabbing agenda, and the medical industry donated more money to the gov't than the insurance industry did.

I thought we go moved to PF,

Apologies @Freak my bad.
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Getting a country off of legal opiates, would benefit everyone long term. But insurance and pharma have shown that profit over care is modus operandi.

Its sickening that these criminals have openly bragged on record about people addicted. Meanwhile cartels record record profits, getting people hooked on Fentanyl.

Read Bristol police caught a woman with 2,000 fentanyl pills. This is happening, right now. So, WV, SW VA, NE TN is going to have a plague of addiction. Its happening.
You think big insurance enjoys paying big pharma for opiates? Insurance companies would love cheaper alternatives. And they have just as deep pockets as big pharma to lobby.
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You think big insurance enjoys paying big pharma for opiates? Insurance companies would love cheaper alternatives. And they have just as deep pockets as big pharma to lobby.
I think as long as the checks clear, they dont give one flying ****.
So I took up vaping because someone had this flavor that was really good at the time, so I stopped cigs the next day to vape.

Turns out I wasn’t actually the biggest fan of vaping because the flavoring actually would taste worse every time I would get one.

6-7 months later of vaping, I got tired of the flavoring and how it would make me feel. It was like a more intense nauseated feeling so I went to the store and got a pack of cigs. Put one in my mouth and puked.

This led me into very very sparingly hit the vape because I couldn’t smoke a cig nor fully tolerate the vape anymore, but I needed nicotine. So instead of smoking every second I’d wait till after breakfast and lunch. Hit it like 2-3 times, put it down till 8-9 at night before bed. This helped me slowly quit.

Finally I just put it down and didn’t hit it. The first week of no nicotine I was angry. The second week, I was still angry but by the middle of the 3rd week I was fine.

Good stuff. Sounds like you might have had too much nicotine in your vape. Anything over 3mg is unnecessary for me. How much nic were you vaping?

I forget my vape at home sometimes and I don't notice any negative effects. I more just like the calming ritual of it and don't smoke anything else any more so I vape to relax and because I enjoy the different flavors.
Good stuff. Sounds like you might have had too much nicotine in your vape. Anything over 3mg is unnecessary for me. How much nic were you vaping?

I forget my vape at home sometimes and I don't notice any negative effects. I more just like the calming ritual of it and don't smoke anything else any more so I vape to relax and because I enjoy the different flavors.
Well morans, i'm at an imp-pass.

We've talked drugs, insurance, medal counts, and DN. We've finally hit a topic of which I have no ****s to give.

@gainesvol82 you did it. You finally found a topic of which JC has 0 ****s left to give.

Fwiw, I was even willing to put sports gambling on a pedal stool, Moran. IMG_7949.gif
that sounds like apathy. and while much of what you said is accurate, we do have it better. lack of imminent Govt retaliation, being kidnapped, poverty.

Listen, I dont think unfettered Socialism is the answer. On other side, I dont think $ should be allowed to have influence, such as it is.

Dont have the bandwidth to go down a rabbithole on politics. Do think some reforms need to be made on Scotus, special interests - specifically around $.

The Banking conference was at this weekend had political Keynote. Much of what the BA discussed was lobbying for very reforms, as it impacts all of us.
You're a lib...of course you want scotus changed when it doesn't go your way...screw that 🦬💩
I am not in favor of unregulated greed. As a libertarian, I generally also break issues into fundamental human rights on either side of the equation. (And lack thereof, by the way...)

In most cases, complaining about college football ticket prices and complaints of "F poor people" are short-sighted caricatures and extreme first world problems. The next question becomes, "What would you do about it, and what right do you have to anything about it?"

Is attendance to college football games an inherent right that we are all afforded? Would you balk at paying off student loans and then argue to give everyone a ticket to the college football game of their choice? How would you see it if you started a business and someone told you that they have a right to the product over and above your right to profits?

I have some bad news for the board. There are wealthy people and there are poor people. There will always be things some people can't afford. You can quip "So In guess it's F poor people" for any of these. But the next question will generally need to be, "what's your solution?" and the answer to most of these will be some form of "socialism" that puts the right of one person to partake over the right of others to charge (or the rights of the group/gov't to take from hard workers in the form of taxation for subsidies).

Here's a radical idea. If you can't afford a Porsche, don't buy one. If you can't afford college, go to trade school. If you can't afford to attend college football games, watch on TV. If you can't afford a TV and don't have friends who'd let you watch it with them, you may be the problem.

But at the end of the day, College Football game attendance isn't the same thing as coal miners dying in a shaft, and if you were going to offer a 'fix' that would allow people who can't afford attendance to attend, it'd probably be some form of socialism (as @Jackcrevol alluded to).

Cheers, mate.
Like I said.."**** poor working people"..🤷‍♂️
I think as long as the checks clear, they dont give one flying ****.
Wait, wait, wait. You think that a business doesn't care about the soaring escalation of overhead?

A baker could get more business if he could sell his bread at a lower price. He can sell it at a lower price if ingredients are less expensive.
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Big Pharma and Big Healthcare are the top two lobbyist in DC

The next 8 combined out of the top 10 don't even come close to spending what the top two spend.

The NRA isn't even in the top 100.

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