Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, eggs, covid,etc (split from recruiting forum)

You are referring to a Direct Democracy and no the US is not that on the federal level (but as I stated, states do employ it for certain things)

We use democracy to elect our representatives. The two things are intertwined.

Without democracy there is no republic. It’s been that way since the Romans invented it.
There’s a lot of parallels with us and the Romans. History will say the American republic ended in the 1940’s. American Empire thereafter.
Priorities are messed up, no doubt about that. Also these are different buckets of money. The representatives voted into office won’t agree on funding for disaster relief. They prefer to play politics with it. Both sides.
It is all one bucket of money. Tax payer money.
Priorities are messed up, no doubt about that. Also these are different buckets of money. The representatives voted into office won’t agree on funding for disaster relief. They prefer to play politics with it. Both sides.
It's all mine and your money. I don’t care what buckets they put it in. Sides have nothing to do with it.
The government rarely does anything to help. In a country our size, it is virtually impossible to not impact one group of people negatively when you try to do something positive for another group. That is why a small well regulated federal government that has limited power and responsibility was the intention of our founders. It allowed the states to govern smaller more particular populations where like minded people could gather in different states with the understanding that we would band together to defend one another against foreign adversaries and speak with one voice on the international stage. We have gone faaaar afield from that original intent.
Does anyone wonder how National and larger scale business influenced governance to consolidate decision making more at the Federal level?

What early factors created the move to more Federal/National influence?
Not defending anyone tho? Literally shi**ing on politicians and how they manage and allocate funds. They put it into buckets and play games.

Definitely not advocating for it.
Your "different buckets of money" comment was the focus of my post. Glitch and InVol said what I was thinking. Corruption AND greed are rampant in the USA, in everything

Biden can send more help/aid to the flood victims without congress, but he doesn't want to. Mayorkas saying FEMA is out of money is BS.

Then you see this......
They're not talking about Lebanon, TN.

The government is rotten and doesn't care who knows it. They have no consequences for their actions..... just like referees.
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A true democracy is a form of government where everyone has a equal voice/vote on everything. It is basically mob rule. We have a Representative Republic. We have never been anything close to a democracy until recently. We more closely resemble the mov rule mentality of a democracy thanks to technology and SM today. That is not a good thing. Our politicians are swayed by the vocal minorities with the loud megaphones of the internet instead of the best interest of the people that sent them to DC (or Nashville/or other state capital) in the first place.
Correct. I teach high school seniors American Government. We spend the first week of the class talking about this. The system we currently have (in real practice, not description) is NOT what was designed and intended by our Founding Fathers. They would be embarrassed with what it has devolved into. Honestly they would have been working on another pamphlet called "Common Sense, Part 2" and drumming up support for another rebellion. The toothpaste is so far removed from the tube at this point that there doesn't seem to be much recourse. Altruism has been soundly defeated by selfish opportunism for decades.
Minerals? Smart thinking.

At the center I worked at, the call had been put out for 10 ATVs to help move supplies into difficult places. Over 100 showed up. A caravan of nearly 200 vehicles went on a 2 hour run that ended up taking 4, but they moved a nice pile of relief. While there were Blackhawks flying by occasionally, I didn't get the sense that the government effort was anywhere near as large as the local efforts. I'm not anti-gov, but the right answer is a cooperative effort.
Governments are invariably resource and power mongers. They like to take resources from people to provide for people. It's not beneficial to them for the citizenry to have the resources and capabilities to help themselves. Then we start recognizing how redundant and wasteful big govt really is.

The govt doesn't want us voluntarily rationing our private resources and coordinating our private efforts. Instead, they'd like this to be a catastrophe that makes excuse for them to take more of our resources, which they will invest wastefully.

In short, they don't want us to be capable. They want us to be dependent. The more they take from us to 'fix' things, they less we have, and the more dependent we are. It's a planned cycle.

If Spain is gonna apologize for something they did five h u n d r e d years ago then I demand Dooley apologize for not recruiting a single offensive lineman a decade ago

She's your typical Commie b****. Kinda funny that she demands those "Responsible" for starting the country she is currently in charge of apologize to...?
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How many agencies did Trump cut during his term? What did he do to make the federal government smaller and less intrusive in our lives?

So we’re going to ignore the fact the house and senate was basically gridlocked because the democrats voted against anything he brought forward 🤔 crazy work…if you’re looking for accountability start with the democrats who claim they want to “reach across the isle” but instead continue a which hunt to prosecute someone who wasn’t a lobbyist.further more if you’re still able to look past everything that’s happened even after these disasters and assume the democrats are going to look after you and make sure your dollar stretches then I can not help you.🤣😂 happy November bud
So we’re going to ignore the fact the house and senate was basically gridlocked because the democrats voted against anything he brought forward 🤔 crazy work…if you’re looking for accountability start with the democrats who claim they want to “reach across the isle” but instead continue a which hunt to prosecute someone who wasn’t a lobbyist.further more if you’re still able to look past everything that’s happened even after these disasters and assume the democrats are going to look after you and make sure your dollar stretches then I can not help you.🤣😂 happy November bud
He had a republican Congress for 2yrs
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So we’re going to ignore the fact the house and senate was basically gridlocked because the democrats voted against anything he brought forward 🤔 crazy work…if you’re looking for accountability start with the democrats who claim they want to “reach across the isle” but instead continue a which hunt to prosecute someone who wasn’t a lobbyist.further more if you’re still able to look past everything that’s happened even after these disasters and assume the democrats are going to look after you and make sure your dollar stretches then I can not help you.🤣😂 happy November bud
That's a lot of words to say he didn't really try to do any of it. And odds are if he wins this time he again won't.

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