Was the Lattimore hit retaliation for this...



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
hit on Zach Rodgers as he is coming down with the ball (1:45min mark)?

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbEx-idPyyM [/youtube]

It looks nearly identical to the way Gordon flew in to hit Lattimore low. That was dangerously close to blowing ZRo's knee out exactly the same way Lattimores was. I know some will disagree, but that hit on ZRo looks kind of dirty to me. Like the safety meant to injure him....flying in low just as the receiver is coming down with all his weight on one leg?

Notice how early it is in the game...well before the hit on Lattimore. I know it might well be just a coincidence, but I do think some teams are just dirty like that.

I've seen a lot of draft footage lately where Bama players highlights include them pulling opponents jersey's (like that is a big play for them?), to keep them from getting separation and pushing them out of bounds with the ball still in the air, etc.

So, that's not to say Gordon wanted to cause that much damage, but perhaps it was an attempt to hit their star player low, in retaliation? After pausing the footage right at the moment of impact, you can see the USCjr DB intended to strike at the knee.
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Considering that wasn't Rogers, I doubt it.
I stand corrected about the UT player referred to (it looked like Zach....but didn't notice the jersey #), but what does that have to do with the larger issue/question?
I stand corrected about the UT player referred to (it looked like Zach....but didn't notice the jersey #), but what does that have to do with the larger issue/question?

It's football, so NO I don't think it had anything to do with it.
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Just asking if you saw this clip where the cock DB aims for the WR's knee right as he's coming down on it, does it not seem like there might have been a little retaliation involved in the Lattimore hit.

"You tried to take my partner's knee out, now I'm going to return the favor, homeboy."

Even if your assumption was correct, it also assumes that our defenders from last year could hit offensive ball carriers with enough accuracy as to hurt them. I'm not sure our defenders were able to stand back and think about "how" they wanted to take down a world class running back. I'm just amazed they were able to hit him sometimes despite Sal's D scheme.

The play Lattimore got hurt on looked like an accident more than anything.
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Good grief, no. Eric gives up 30-40 pounds to lattimore. Of course you hit him low' but it was neither intentional or dirty
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If you play this game of football and play it hard, you got a good chance of getting hurt. People are trying to put you on the ground, and sometimes it hurts. It's all in the game.
Football, especially on the defensive side, is a reactionary game. Hits that you label "dirty" aren't always players aiming for another player to be injured, it is just how they reacted in that moment and is dependent on how they best think they can make the tackle legally. Also you seem to want to convey low tackles as dirty, but they're not. Low tackles are a part of the game and when trying to make a low tackle the ballcarrier's knees are going to be subject to getting injured the same way their head is subject to the same circumstances in a high tackle, welcome to football.

Also if your reaction to assuming another player making a dirty tackle against your teammate is to attempt to make a dirty hit on a completely different player unrelated to the original scenario, or even the original player for that matter, then it is a good thing you are not playing football because that is not how the game is supposed to be played and playing like that is disgraceful to the game, your team, and yourself.
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if it wasnt lattimore, who was one of the most respected and loved opposing players for everyone in the SEC then you might have a point but seeing as players on both sides of the field were torn up by the injury i would say no. nobody wanted lattimore hurt, not even the vols.
hit on Zach Rodgers as he is coming down with the ball (1:45min mark)?

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbEx-idPyyM [/youtube]

It looks nearly identical to the way Gordon flew in to hit Lattimore low. That was dangerously close to blowing ZRo's knee out exactly the same way Lattimores was. I know some will disagree, but that hit on ZRo looks kind of dirty to me. Like the safety meant to injure him....flying in low just as the receiver is coming down with all his weight on one leg?

Notice how early it is in the game...well before the hit on Lattimore. I know it might well be just a coincidence, but I do think some teams are just dirty like that.

I've seen a lot of draft footage lately where Bama players highlights include them pulling opponents jersey's (like that is a big play for them?), to keep them from getting separation and pushing them out of bounds with the ball still in the air, etc.

So, that's not to say Gordon wanted to cause that much damage, but perhaps it was an attempt to hit their star player low, in retaliation? After pausing the footage right at the moment of impact, you can see the USCjr DB intended to strike at the knee.

Too much spare time? Gordon has always tackled people low nothin new and no bad intent. Just a freak injury it happens

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