Was the Tennessean's game coverage written by a butthurt WKU fan?

Have you read this site? I'm no longer surprised people cannot enjoy anything. We win 52-20, force 7 turnovers, and it's not good enough.

Some people are addicted to being miserable.
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Let's be honest, WKU did self destruct so I think the article is not out of line. I want the Vols to get a signature win this year but it will be tough as we are not a top tier SEC team yet. WKU receivers dropped a few balls that would have sustained drives and they moved the ball at will at times on our D. Again, too many 3rd and long breakdowns or missed tackles. If this was a Georgia or an Alabama squad we would have had a lot of trouble. Worley is not an accurate QB (at least not yet) and this is exacerbated when he is under pressure.

Look, I'm not trying to be negative but we won 2 games we were supposed to win and I am as happy as a pig in, well, you know what. The D is GREATLY improved but the offense needs to develop some consistency. I am very bullish on the programs future but let's keep some perspective until we get through the murderous schedule we have.

Go Vols!
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First interception was a fluke, but the DB did a good job sticking with the play despite being out of position to begin with. Second interception was a good play by a Vols DB who jumped the route. Third turnover was a forced fumble by a Vol who literally ripped the ball out. I don't specifically recall the rest, but Tennessee actually caused a lot of those turnovers. It's nonsense to pretend otherwise.
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After that one pick by Coleman, the other TO's were forced by our D and deserve a lot of credit. They played a great game for the most part.

I'll never understand Vol fans, last year they were awful we gave them hell. This year we force 7 turnovers and we say they're lucky and WKU just gave the game to us.
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After that one pick by Coleman, the other TO's were forced by our D and deserve a lot of credit. They played a great game for the most part.

I'll never understand Vol fans, last year they were awful we gave them hell. This year we force 7 turnovers and we say they're lucky and WKU just gave the game to us.

Jaded petrinoites
After that one pick by Coleman, the other TO's were forced by our D and deserve a lot of credit. They played a great game for the most part.

I'll never understand Vol fans, last year they were awful we gave them hell. This year we force 7 turnovers and we say they're lucky and WKU just gave the game to us.

They've been trained to expect losing and have a loser mentality. Out team plays hard but they still have to find something I gripe about.
Have you read this site? I'm no longer surprised people cannot enjoy anything. We win 52-20, force 7 turnovers, and it's not good enough.

Some people are addicted to being miserable.
Don't you think, as hardcore fans, we like to overanalyze the games---both for good and bad? Don't get me wrong, I think some are just miserable Vol fans, but I don't see anything wrong with pointing out areas where we didn't play particularly well and need to improve. JMO.
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If those turnovers had been ours, we would damn sure be saying that we beat ourselves. The first interception was a total fluke. The other interceptions were absolutely on the QB. Had any UT QB made that many mistakes we would have benched him. I am glad we won, but if anyone who watched that game thinks we looked like a real good team....well I don't know what to say. The WKU running game was gutting us at times, while our offense looked a little lost on many drives. The truth is WKU self destructed, and we took advantage of it. Would we have beat them without the self destruction? I think we would have. Did they self destruct because they were outmatched and felt the pressure? I think that is part of it. What I will say is that had we gotten those 7 turnovers against Oregon, and played the same way we played on offense and defense against WKU, we would get beat by several touchdowns.
Don't you think, as hardcore fans, we like to overanalyze the games---both for good and bad? Don't get me wrong, I think some are just miserable Vol fans, but I don't see anything wrong with pointing out areas where we didn't play particularly well and need to improve. JMO.

Negavol imo
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After that one pick by Coleman, the other TO's were forced by our D and deserve a lot of credit. They played a great game for the most part.

I'll never understand Vol fans, last year they were awful we gave them hell. This year we force 7 turnovers and we say they're lucky and WKU just gave the game to us.

I agree that a vocal minority of our fans have a tendency to want to be miserable. I see it here plenty.

Realistically, we didn't force all of those turnovers, but we forced enough of them, and the defense certainly deserves credit.

Legit areas of concern seem to be linebackers, and Worley's ability to throw an accurate long ball. But there were plenty of good things to be encouraged by as well.

All that aside, the point of the thread was the shoddy analysis by the Tennessean journalist. Either that guy has an axe to grind, or he is not very good at watching football. Either speaks volumes about the quality of the Tennessean's "journalism."
Have you read this site? I'm no longer surprised people cannot enjoy anything. We win 52-20, force 7 turnovers, and it's not good enough.

Some people are addicted to being miserable.

You think Coach Jones has zero criticism for that performance?
Hey, just give back the points from turn overs, we still beat them. If you couldn't tell that EKU showed up with some men players and a game plan on offense, you might have not watched close enough.
If those turnovers had been ours, we would damn sure be saying that we beat ourselves. The first interception was a total fluke. The other interceptions were absolutely on the QB. Had any UT QB made that many mistakes we would have benched him. I am glad we won, but if anyone who watched that game thinks we looked like a real good team....well I don't know what to say. The WKU running game was gutting us at times, while our offense looked a little lost on many drives. The truth is WKU self destructed, and we took advantage of it. Would we have beat them without the self destruction? I think we would have. Did they self destruct because they were outmatched and felt the pressure? I think that is part of it. What I will say is that had we gotten those 7 turnovers against Oregon, and played the same way we played on offense and defense against WKU, we would get beat by several touchdowns.

Lots of "what ifs". They did Self destruct on a couple of the turnovers but UT forced several. Brewer INT was the result of millers pressure on the QB. Sutton made a great play. Randolph took advantage of forced throw in the end zone, sapps made a heads up play. People just nitpick like hell on hete. Without a couple of the turnovers we still would would have won. When we got gashed in the 2nd qtr it's because they had been on the field the entire half. We looked like a diff team in the second half and that's what I was happy about. Imposed their will and had 300 yards of offense. Loved the resiliency.
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If those turnovers had been ours, we would damn sure be saying that we beat ourselves. The first interception was a total fluke. The other interceptions were absolutely on the QB. Had any UT QB made that many mistakes we would have benched him. I am glad we won, but if anyone who watched that game thinks we looked like a real good team....well I don't know what to say. The WKU running game was gutting us at times, while our offense looked a little lost on many drives. The truth is WKU self destructed, and we took advantage of it. Would we have beat them without the self destruction? I think we would have. Did they self destruct because they were outmatched and felt the pressure? I think that is part of it. What I will say is that had we gotten those 7 turnovers against Oregon, and played the same way we played on offense and defense against WKU, we would get beat by several touchdowns.

Your rationale is appreciated by some (me for one), but others will tell you that you suck and you're a negavol, and that you want to be miserable, etc. I just prefer to call it like I see it.
Tennessee would still have won the game easily if all those crazy turnovers didn't happen. How do I know this? Because WKU had only 1 turnover in the 2nd half, as did Tennessee, and Tenn outscored WKU 21-3 in the 2nd half. UT played as good as you could've asked for in the 2nd half, yet we still have people saying we got lucky. Ridiculous.
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Don't you think, as hardcore fans, we like to overanalyze the games---both for good and bad? Don't get me wrong, I think some are just miserable Vol fans, but I don't see anything wrong with pointing out areas where
we didn't play particularly well and need to improve. JMO.

Pointing out areas for improvement is reasonable. Rational discussions about the individual, team, staff and performances can be enjoyable and beneficial.

However, it is amazing how many posters are quickly prepared to amplify any real or perceived negatives, yet enthusiastically discount the positives.
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He is in a position to make improvements. We are just whining without changing a thing.

Kinda like complaing about the weather,WHY??:crazy:

solid point. You should never analyze anything unless you control it. time to cancel every pregame, postgame show in existence. as well as newpapers, blogs, message boards, etc.

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