The Future of 4K Is For Enthusiasts Only
The guy next to me huffed loudlyan explosive grunt of displeasure that had me halfway between amusement and horror. We were in a meeting room at the Hilton in Newark, NJ, seated in front of a giant TV with a giant sound system, and wed just seen footage on Panasonics UB900 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray player. Compared to the competitor, it had performed well and everyone in attendance was eager to get their hands on one for testing at home.
But Panasonic had just told us the price, and this journalist was pissed. So this is clearly for enthusiasts, he said with disdain.
The Panasonic reps all nodded. Yes, Panasonics entrance in the 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray market is for enthusiasts only. Its expected to retail for $699 when it ships in September, and the only person willing to spend that much on a media playback device with less than a hundred blu-rays currently available is going to be
But the same could be said for the competition. Toshibas reportedly just okay 4k Ultra HD player retails for $150, and Samsungs current industry darling goes for $400. Thats a lot more than the $130 I can spend on a Roku 4which gives me access to nearly all the same 4K content as a 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray player.
An enthusiast would point out that Blu-Ray players like Panasonics new UB900 and Samsungs UBD-K8500 actually play back 4K Ultra HD footage at higher quality than a Roku 4 or any other streamer. The Blu-Ray can hold way more data than a stream from Netflix, but the only people who will appreciate that are the enthusiasts who already spent thousands on a surround sound system and 60-inch display with 10-bit HDR playback, and the broke-ass people who understand what I just wrote.
So yeah. Huff away fellow journalist. Get mad that an exceptional product comes with an exceptional price tag. Or maybe accept that the future of media is in streaming, and everything else is for fans only.