Really going to miss that Citizens Nat'l Bank commercial. Cuz banking never felt so good.
Ainge was really good when he was talking game strategy. I'll miss that and Swain. It's really going to suck losing that connection to Knoxville because I want no parts of the Doc, Jeff, and Heather show.
Knoxville sports talk radio is the absolute worst in the entire nation. Everyone has their own show and they all sound like they are broadcasting from a broom closet.
As a former radio guy, I truly hate to hear stories like this. The reason I got out of the business was because I was too chicken, and terrified I was going to be canned every time a ratings book came out.
A few of those guys have real talent, and I wish them the best of luck.
@ErikAinge3: I have loved getting to know Vol Nation. We are more than a jersey # and yall are more than an orange dot in the crowd @JayBayTSR Thank You
@ErikAinge3: TSR Rolls through August 29th. Let's have some Damn fun! See yall in the am. I have pee wee football plays to draw up!
I liked some of their shows, but it was to inconsistent for me. Dave Hooker was pretty good, but Ainge spent to much time joking around. Sad, because I think they had a niche they could have really exploited and their inside info was pretty good.
Also, their Android App crashed way to much for me. Every 2 minutes the darn this crashed on my Samsung S4.
Totally agree about Bailey. Ainge's show was fantastic until Bailey grabbed a pair of headphones and a mic. I gave it two weeks and just couldn't tolerate that stupidity any longer.
Well dang, Living in Texas just got a little worse. I was getting jacked up to hear the practice reports and game breakdowns. What's next? Thank you Freak for the vol talk I get on a daily basis.
I was just sent this on Twitter: "DperiodLperiod: @wkey007 @ErikAinge3 @jcoffman2000 a publicity stunt. They'll launch 2 stations in sept. Assuming a vol one &general sports one. Can't wait" Hope this is true!