This is idiotic to say the least.. they are/were making plenty of money and this has nothing to do with it.. if you don't know whats going on, it is best to keep your mouth shut or you just end up looking like a tool.
Are you associated in any way with TSR or have you worked in radio before? It is a costly venture and personally I find it hard to believe they were "making plenty of money". Especially considering they were only broadcasting live on the air for
maybe 10 hours a day, otherwise they were re-airing EA shows, or off the air completely. Dead air and missed spots do not inspire confidence with advertisers. That said, I don't know if they have to operate under AM clear channel rules. Perhaps rather than operate after dark on a tiny signal, they just pulled the plug to save on operating cost.
Why AM Radio Stations Must Reduce Power, Change Operations, or Cease Broadcasting at Night |
Everything above I say with confidence, everything below is PURE SPECULATION:
I've been curious about any effects of Treece's dismissal since it happened. My first thought was, he's gonna sue for wrongful termination, as all charges were dropped within a few days of the fiasco. I mean, JB stood by EA during at least one DUI, but rather than suspend CT until all facts were out, he was fired rather quickly. Again, this is pure speculation and thinking out loud, but I wonder if there's anything behind the scenes going on that is beneficial as a business for Oskie Media to scrap any TSR baggage and kind of restart the process with a similarly formatted, more professional sounding station. I mean, there's a ton of complaining about JayBay, Stokes, et al, being part of the shows rather than producing the shows all over VN. Maybe they're hiring consultants to air-check the staff. Re-branding with a professional voice-over guy. Teaching the show producers how to drive and produce a radio show rather than muddy it up with pipe dreams of being the co-host.
Or maybe that's just my pipe dream of what they're doing with the station.