Way to go Dick

Now the truth comes out and, as a hunter, it really gets me. Cheney was hunting without a license and was allowed to pay for it after the fact. There are cetain things you just don't do when hunting. If I was caught hunting without one, fish & game would be within their rights to take my guns, my truck and anything else I had on me. Dick gets off for $7. (stop it)

Before you ask, I am a Repub. but I still hate to see the system bent for anyone. The same would happen if it was a Demo.
(orangetd88 @ Feb 13 said:
I'm surprised he didn;t have another heart attack while shooting the guy.

You know what's funny, he came here a few months ago. In his motorcade, there is an ambulance in trail wherever he goes.

I wonder if they let this poor guy use his personal ambulance?
I'm not expert, but the few out-of-state preserves where I have been (one in Arky and a couple in the Albany, GA area) the temporary license is normally part of the "package" and the guide/owner takes care of it for you. Guess the VP went for the discount package.
(USAF_Vol @ Feb 14 said:
You know what's funny, he came here a few months ago. In his motorcade, there is an ambulance in trail wherever he goes.

I wonder if they let this poor guy use his personal ambulance?

Standard procedure in Secret Service motorcade I believe. Still, probably an extra good idea!
(orange+white=heaven @ Feb 14 said:
Standard procedure in Secret Service motorcade I believe. Still, probably an extra good idea!

Idon't know, I've seen a few of them and don't remember seeing an ambulance except with Dick's. But who knows, they may be standard procedure.
(UTGRADnNC @ Feb 13 said:
Things like this happen all the time...Problem is, when you're the vice president, is going to make the news. Both men should've taken a bit more caution, but that's not the problem I have with what occured...my beef is more along these lines:

Monday's hunting trip to Pennsylvania by Vice President Dick Cheney in which he reportedly shot more than 70 stocked pheasants and an unknown number of mallard ducks at an exclusive private club places a spotlight on an increasingly popular and deplorable form of hunting, in which birds are pen-reared and released to be shot in large numbers by patrons. The ethics of these hunts are called into question by rank-and-file sportsmen, who hunt animals in their native habitat and do not shoot confined or pen-raised animals that cannot escape.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported today that 500 farm-raised pheasants were released yesterday morning at the Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township for the benefit of Cheney's 10-person hunting party. The group killed at least 417 of the birds, illustrating the unsporting nature of canned hunts. The party also shot an unknown number of captive mallards in the afternoon.

Now, exactly what part of this is considered sport? Why not just go to kennels and shoot some dogs? I'm one for hunting, and controlling animal population, but this is just ridiculous cherry picking.

The latest question raising eyebrows is the land he was hunting on was owned by lobbyist. :dunno:
The rumors of lobbyists, drinking etc. have gotten ridiculous. A poor guy gets shot and has a heart attack and it turns into a political feeding frenzy. :shakehead:
I agree, just passing on what Geraldo Rivera said on national television today.Primary concern is the guy shot of course.


I continue to be amazed that the media is so singularly focused on this hunting accident. I mean it isn't as though there aren't more pressing issues going on in the world. That said, I received a long, drawn out, rambling email today which only one line that I shall respond to:

"Can you explain for us once again how this is all Ted Kennedy's fault?"

Interesting that Uncle Ted and Chappaquiddick should be brought up here. Consider if you will:

In a drunken stupor Ted Kennedy runs his car into a river with his mistress in the car. He LEAVES HER THERE TO DIE, goes home, GOES TO BED, and sleeps off the alcohol. Comes up with a cover story, says nothing for more than a day, and ONLY DID AFTER THE CAR WAS DISCOVERED BY POLICE. And has been a prominent Dem leader ever since.

Cheney's crime? He accidentally shoots his friend and chooses to help his friend instead of focusing on his reputation and spinning the story for the press.

Imagine what the Left-Wing Press and politicians would be saying if Cheney did what Ted Kennedy did?

And now the liberal press and its minions are literally on DEATH WATCH, almost praying that Harry Whittington dies so the Vice President can be brought before a Grand Jury and possibly charged with criminally negligent homicide.

What a devastating loss of what little credibility the liberal press had left.

All of that said, can ANY of you who seem so terribly concerned about this tell me how this story affects your life personally?

.....except of course to feed your own biases and hatred that is.

What a waste of time. Then again I suppose if you have no life, it seems "important".

How embarrassing for you.


Once upon a time there was a tale of two Vice-Presidents. Oh, and members of the media who didn't have their priorities straight.

For the purposes of this tale, we'll call the current Vice-President Dick Cheney "Vice President A" and the former Vice-President Al Gore "Vice-President B".

Vice President A went on a hunting trip, while Vice President B took a trip to Saudi Arabia. Vice President A was involved in a hunting accident in which he accidentally shot a good friend, who was not seriously hurt.

Vice President B told a group of Saudi's (btw... from the country that sent 15 of the 19 murderers to kill 3000 Americans) and accused our country of "committing terrible abuses against Arabs after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. And that Arabs had been indiscriminately rounded up often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable"

As an aside, all of the 9-11 murderers from Saudi Arabia had committed similar "minor" infractions like overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order.

But I digress...

Today, the wayward news media focused exclusively on Vice-President A and the non-lethal hunting accident and not being told about it sooner (btw, it was less than 24 hours,) and not one word on Vice-President B's outrageous, unsubstantiated, and inflammatory accusations against our country.

I'd like to now provide you a moral to this story, but there was no morality or even common sense involved in this entire, embarrassing media debacle.

Not to worry though, there was one news outlet that did fully and completely cover Vice-President B's outrageous comments...


And I'm quite certain that Vice President Gore, like other Democrat "leaders" such as Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry will spend months on the Arab media anti-American propaganda hit parade.

Makes me wish Gore had just gone hunting with Cheney instead...

Whoops, did I say that?
(volmanjr @ Feb 13 said:
Cheney's got a gun, Cheney's got a gun, everybody better go ahead and run. Things got a little out of hand, Cheney shot 78 yr old man (to the tune of Janie's got a gun by Aerosmith)

Extended version.

Dum, dum, dum, Cheney what have you done
Dum, dum, dum, it’s the sound of my gun
Dum, dum, dum, Cheney what have you done
Dum, dum, dum, it’s the sound, it’s the sound...
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah....

Cheney’s got a gun
Cheney’s got a gun
His whole world’s come undone
From lookin’ straight at the sun
What did the DNC do
What did they put you through

They say when Cheney shot the gun
It was all in the name of fun
But man, he had it comin’
Now that Cheney’s got a gun
He ain’t never gonna be the same

Cheney’s got a gun
Cheney’s got a gun
His dog day’s just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Tell me now it’s untrue
What did Dick Cheney do
Boy the conservative "All hail Bush" crowd sure are gettin' their panites in a wad over this one....

Stop and think folks, what if John Kerry had been president, gone off and accidently shot someone while hunting??? It would be the Drudge-esque, Clinton-murdering people stuff all over again.

Can you imagine the roar from the right??? Funny how that liberal media only appears when something bad is happening on the right.

The story is simple, our wingnut vice president hit a man with a little bird shot. Not a HUGE deal, certainly not what the media is making it out to be....but it's a story. Of course the simplfied press igs going to run with it. And the far-right is going to blame the "Liberal" media, while the far-left contemplates consiracy theories....both as moronic as the other.

I do love how ole drunken Ted Kennedy has become the scapegoat of the right for Cheney's recent misfortune. Just proves once again, the sad state of public discourse within American politics.

Laughable, yet sad in then end.
I think as a voting citizen in the United States I have the right to question anything I feel compelled to.Party loyalty only goes so far. Apparently citizens have waited too long in the past to question various administration's agendas. :banghead:
(utfantilidie @ Feb 16 said:
I think as a voting citizen in the United States I have the right to question anything I feel compelled to.Party loyalty only goes so far. Apparently citizens have waited too long in the past to question various administration's agendas. :banghead:

Exactly utfan.

That's how both major political parties want it though....they want to keep voters polarized and blinded.
way to go dick you got my support the guy should said he was around, and GO BUSH!!!!!

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