We Are Getting Freakin' Waxed

If you dont think we're falling behind consider that per Rivals.com, Florida signed the nation's No. 2 recruiting class in '06, No. 1 in '07 and they're currently No. 1 this year. It appears that quality depth across the board will not be a problem in Gainesville for some years to come.
I am certainly not of the opinion that the sky is falling, but do have to admit to myself that it does have an ominous appearance. The excuse is that "we are not really looking for those 5 stars or skilled positions this year", why should we ever not be trying to get those? And if we are concentrating on linemen, if you look at our commits, we have 2 O linemen commits and 1 D lineman commit, uh oh.
I am certainly not of the opinion that the sky is falling, but do have to admit to myself that it does have an ominous appearance. The excuse is that "we are not really looking for those 5 stars or skilled positions this year", why should we ever not be trying to get those? And if we are concentrating on linemen, if you look at our commits, we have 2 O linemen commits and 1 D lineman commit, uh oh.

That is my problem with the situation. I am fine with not going over the wealth of 5* talent at QB, WR, or RB if we feel that we need OL, DL, etc. and have a limited number of schollies. However, I better see that translate to some good talent at the positions we need. I know that a 4* recruit isn't necessarily better than a 3* recruit, but it doesn't seem like we are winning recruiting battles at these positions with equal or our rival schools. A good recruiting class for me this year would be filling the positions of "need" with 3* and 4* players that were recruited pretty hard by at least some of our rivals and/or comparable programs. And, I would feel better if there were a quite a few 4* in that group (but I know I shouldn't get too hung up in that) Will I get my wish?
Sad that Tennessee has one of the highest recruiting budgets in the country, but we can't get crap this year.
Its 1 freaking year!!!!!!!!

UT needs depth at positions that don't really get high***'s. Let things pan out...commitments mean nada! Wait till signing day and see what happens.

UT has had top 10 classes 4/5 of the last 7 years. Where has that gotten them??? 10,5,9,10 wins? Big deal!

Relax......***'s mean nothing except to those who have nothing better to do. How may 4/5 star players did Kansas or Missouri have the last few years? Not many, but they would have beat the stew out of UT this year.

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