We have a lot of young players and we need to keep an open mind tomorrow

Yes. If our young team plays mistake free, we should win. But young players have a penchant for making mistakes. (See fumble by Hurd last week). Enough plays like that from our youth and we will lose to a very mediocre Florida team.

Sorry, I should have kept reading further.
So, after what you have seen from this team, especially after last week at Georgia, you think it's silly for anyone to expect a win over a subpar Florida team?

If we play the way we are capable and Florida continues playing the way they have been, yes. I expect a win. Not silly to expect that, just silly to get on here and trash the team and coaches if Florida plays their best game of the year against us and pulls out a win.
Its about focusing on winning and not why they lose a game.

Exactly. You can't win until you think you can.

Not the same subject I was on at all, lol. I was making comments about the change in attitude of the team.

And Sam, don't think reading a message board gives you complete insight into what everyone is thinking. It doesn't.

I guess I mistook this as your not approving of a thread that suggests we might lose. Maybe I missed the context.
I guess I mistook this as your not approving of a thread that suggests we might lose. Maybe I missed the context.

I wasn't talking about this thread at all. You know us women can go in a hundred different directions when we talk. ;)
What the hell are you trying to argue? I've said quite plainly that Florida isn't likely to play well. I think we should definitely win if Florida plays like they have been. That being said, I also understand that even bad teams with superior talent can play lights out every once in a while (2012 UT vs NC State). Florida has the athletes to beat us legitimately if they show up. My whole point was that losing isn't automatic grounds for upheaval. If Florida suddenly gels and beats us, we shouldn't revolt and insist that our coaches be fired and run out of town on a rail. Likewise, If we have one of our freshmen get caught up in the big moment and blow an assignment, we shouldn't use that as evidence that our coaches are crap. I'm not looking for excuses. The reality is the reality.

I agree with most of what you are saying here. I will also add that if the Vols win, people shouldn't come on here demanding that Butch be given a lifetime contract. Yet, it will happen just as surely as the negative posts will come if they lose.
This is exactly why I try not to post after "subpar, fan expectation" losses. This place becomes completely detached from reality.

It's already become detached from reality. We bUTch & Co. have only been here 20 months and they're saying tommorrow is a must win or he's on the hot seat.
I agree with most of what you are saying here. I will also add that if the Vols win, people shouldn't come on here demanding that Butch be given a lifetime contract. Yet, it will happen just as surely as the negative posts will come if they lose.

You are 100% correct. There will also be endless chatter about him leaving to coach Michigan and probably a couple about how he will leave for the NFL.
Did that seem to matter when UT played even with the best team in the East? And FTR, UT doesn't "have" to play 21 Fr. They're the best players. They earned it... and in some cases earned it over guys who were considered quality prospects when they came to UT.

Jones says youth isn't an excuse... after this much of the season... that becomes more true.

And let me be sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that being a better team while having Fr play negates being a better team or are you making an ironclad declaration that a team with lots of youth cannot be the better team?

IMO, UT is the better team regardless of youth. I think they've played better. If I am right that they've played better is that somehow negated because they have 21 Fr in the two deep?

Are you really this dense?

Youth = mistakes happen more often.

Youth = catastrophic mistakes happen - see fumble in the end zone last Saturday.

No one is saying we aren't talented enough - they're saying we are still learning how to win. How to close out games. How to be consistent.

It isn't complicated.

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