We have no chance against any good teams

He ranked 13th out of 14 qualified QBs in the SEC in Passer Rating. He didn't play a half against Florida or Bama. Didn't go up against Auburn, Mizzou or Vandy (who had a decent defense as well).

So he still was second worst in the SEC and got to miss some real tough games that surely would have made it even worse.

So what is your rebuttal?

LINK: 2013 SEC College Football Individual Statistics Leaders for Passing - ESPN

Simple. Terrible is what we saw from Peterman. Terrible is what we saw at times from Dobbs vs Auburn and Vandy. Terrible is what we're currently seeing from the Vandy QBs this year.

Completing 55% of his passes, 155 yds per game, 10 tds vs 8 ints, including 2 tds and no ints vs SCar and Georgia, is not "terrible" IMO. A 114 pass rating, like all his other passing stats were pretty pedestrian, perhaps even below average, certainly not "terrible". Also, don't forget what he was playing with in terms of WRs....inexperienced and not very good at all.

Perhaps we just differ on what the meaning or definition of terrible QB play is. I know terrible when is see it and I suspect you do too. To say Worley was terrible last year seems more emotional than objective IMHO.
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HEY! :frown:
Perhaps we just differ on what the meaning or definition of terrible QB play is. I know terrible when is see it and I suspect you do too. To say Worley was terrible last year seems more emotional than objective IMHO.

No. You must be lying. You can't "just" differ with him. You can't even "just" be mistaken or "just" forget something you might have written or "just" miscommunicated something. You must be lying. You are lying about the definition of terrible. You are lying about Worley being terrible. You are lying about emotion and objectivity. Liar, liar pants on fire....:loco:
Simple. Terrible is what we saw from Peterman. Terrible is what we saw at times from Dobbs vs Auburn and Vandy. Terrible is what we're currently seeing from the Vandy QBs this year.

Completing 55% of his passes, 155 yds per game, 10 tds vs 8 ints, including 2 tds and no ints vs SCar and Georgia, is not "terrible" IMO. A 114 pass rating, like all his other passing stats were pretty pedestrian, perhaps even below average, certainly not "terrible". Also, don't forget what he was playing with in terms of WRs....inexperienced and not very good at all.

Perhaps we just differ on what the meaning or definition of terrible QB play is. I know terrible when is see it and I suspect you do too. To say Worley was terrible last year seems more emotional than objective IMHO.

It is of course subjective. I think they are terrible stats. there are 13 teams, you predicate success on how good you are compared to those around you. He was 13 out of 14 in passer rating, ergo, terrible passer rating IMO.

Just agree to disagree
You are a piece of work. I have mental issues? I'm not the one insisting that you are "lying" in cases where you may be mistaken or forgetful.

You might want to go back and find that argument because no... I don't remember it... and also Smith's drop changed the whole course of that game. I was actually in the stands watching it as it happened.

I may well have said that his arm strength needed to improve. Pretty normal for a skinny Fr. I have also said he threw a very pretty pass. FWIW, he looked to have as much if not more arm strength on flat throws than Mauk from the stands.

If I indeed tried to deny that... which based on your non-sense here is very much in question... then I was mistaken. I have long believed that Worley had the talent to be a very good SEC QB. Maybe I was not clear at some point in the way I wrote that... but based on your conception of the "truth" I am more inclined to believe you read into a comment what you wanted to see.

I have said that Worley was effective when he ran. I may at some point have found a particular game or time span in which his stats were better than Dobbs. I do not believe and doubt I ever said that he was a "better" runner than Dobbs.

You read your opinions into the words of other people then claim they are lying... and question their "version of reality." Classic.

There is a PERFECT example of either willful ignorance or perhaps something worse on your part.

I ABSOLUTELY said that there was no reason to believe that anyone had caught Worley. I ABSOLUTELY said that there were few signs pointing to anyone being the #1 QB.

That does NOT mean I "favored Worley". It only means I can look at evidence and ACCURATELY interpret what it means. I would have supported Dobbs or Peterman or Ferguson just as much as Worley. I actually like what I know of the first two very much and hope that one or both gets to lead the Vols into championships in a year or two.

There really is no point on taking this any further. I could commit and dredge up more old posts and bump them like I have in the past, but it will just annoy everyone and waste time.

I will just stop replying to your posts and bid you a gentlemanly ado. You think I am crazy, I think you're crazy, one of us is right, but neither of us will ever realize it within ourself.
I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.

YES!!! :yess:

I hit like 14 times...it only gave me one tho!!! :clapping:

You're my favorite professor who also made his own ear necklace! :thumbsup:
It is of course subjective. I think they are terrible stats. there are 13 teams, you predicate success on how good you are compared to those around you. He was 13 out of 14 in passer rating, ergo, terrible passer rating IMO.

Just agree to disagree

Yes we do.

One last quick thought though. I think there's a flaw in basing how well a QB is playing/how good his stats are in comparison "to those around you". You have to take the stats for what they are, on their own merit. They're either good, bad, terrible, whatever, regardless of what another QB in your league or wherever is posting.

For example, what if Worley had completed 70% of his passes last year, but was 13th of 14th because all the other sec QBs save one completed 71%? Does that make Worley's completion % terrible? A 70% completion rate is outstanding. The obvious answer is no. Same would apply for td/int ratio, passer rating, etc.
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I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.

Thats a great freakin post. FAN=blind optimism based on TRUE LOVE

Ive seen wedding pictures that would gag a maggot. Groom smiling ear to ear when the bride looked like a failed experiment in ugly... the groom thinks shes the most beautiful thing on the planet. Simply because he is blinded by his LOVE for her. Thats how it works with my vols. I played football all the way thru school. I can see the weaknesses in our team..my brain knows that logic suggests we are about a 7 win team this season. That said, when that giant "T" splits and that army of orange storms the field...my LOVE for my VOLS makes me believe that we can defeat any opponent on any given saturday...regardless of who or where we may be playing.

Logic reason etc have no place in the unbridled insanity of VOL fandom.

There really is no point on taking this any further. I could commit and dredge up more old posts and bump them like I have in the past, but it will just annoy everyone and waste time.
No you can't. And you probably know it. You have a bad habit of reading things into statements written by other people and then claiming they "lie". You just need to learn to read more carefully and without such a biased lens.

I will just stop replying to your posts and bid you a gentlemanly ado. You think I am crazy, I think you're crazy, one of us is right, but neither of us will ever realize it within ourself.

I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you are intentionally lying. I think you developed a bias against me at some point and started reading that bias into what I write instead of actually reading what I write for its true meaning.

BTW, I'm quite sure I am not crazy.

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