We Offered to Stop their Bleeding; Kent Said No Thanks.

I can't believe with the gambling aspect that would be allowed but it is. UGAs opponent last week used the running clock in the 2nd half.
Why do you say that? IMHO, **** the gamblers. They should have less than zero impact or say in how sports events are run.
The gambling angle can never be allowed to factor ANY into decisions like that or the sport will be lost forever.
Gambling is already involved. That's why you're now seeing injury reports, etc. Manipulating the clock shortens the game (on purpose) which in theory leads to fewer points via fewer possessions which affects totals.
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For those out there saying we showed no mercy..per sources Tennessee at halftime offered Kent State an opportunity to shorten the playing time in the 2nd half or implement a running clock; they declined. I suppose in many cases a team would refuse such an offer out of pride, can’t blame them too much for that. I’m not certain if it would have affected their payout, but at any rate I think it’s noteworthy that they did go on to suffer multiple injuries in the second half.
Yeah.. They were dropping like flies
The gambling angle can never be allowed to factor ANY into decisions like that or the sport will be lost forever.
Agreed. But then there are that other class of gamblers who will naturally use all their leverage to "assure outcomes" of a different kind: sponsors/advertisers. They don't want to lose eyeballs.

And if they have formulae in their contracts with the network that adjust what they pay per commercial to the number of eyeballs on the game at that time, then the networks are facing loss of income. And no corporation today is at all risk-tolerant! Too much data available for them to accept risk.

I think this is why the networks didn't discourage apps that allowed us (herded us) to watch on our phones or computers--and of course, that's what a smart TV is. Those devices create a real-time feedback loop, so they're getting sellable data from us to mitigate any loss of eyeballs later in the game.

1726413696755.png(So which game is "on"... the one on the screen, or the one watching the one watching the screen?)
and it is on to Penn State for Kent where their blood loss will continue. I am not a big fan of Q4 payday games but sometimes they work out with the underdog get the $ and the W. Still shaking my head over NUI taking down ND and now Toledo beats Miss State.

Good post... assuming your head is shaking up and down while smiling
Kent had quite a few that didn't play, don't know what their status was but gosh sakes: 5 Garcia,Gavin; 10 Hilding,Jett; 12 DeShields,Dru; 14 Ulatowski,Tommy; 16 Dotson,Jaylen; 17 Tomlinson,Ruel; 18 Hopperton,Hunter; 19 Fisher,Ali; 20 Hicks,Marques; 21 Cokley,Xavier; 22 Rawlison,Jaire; 23 Hopperton,Preston; 24 Giacolone,Nick; 25 Buie,Daeveon; 27 Folk,Malcolm; 27 Lacks,Lesae; 28 Bishop,Brodyn; 31 Early,Noah; 33 Buchanan,Martell; 33 Harris,Ayden; 34 Gravely,Micquan; 35 Federer,Joseph; 37 Hook,Will; 38 Robinson,Clinton; 39 Bivens,Tyler; 46 Hopkins,Aaron; 46 Tager,Nathan; 47 Hryszko,Will; 48 Reynolds,Lem; 49 Newcomb,Tommy; 50 Dial,Garrett; 51 Abuhamdeh,Sayed; 52 Burgess,Aiden; 55 Sisak,Bryce; 58 Atha,Robert; 59 Maddox,Mason; 61 Durkin,Charlie; 62 Dunn,Jaxon; 65 Bittner,Tristen; 68 Bottiggi,Antonio; 69 Smith,Braylon; 71 Toth Jr.,Kevin; 72 Wilson,Cecil; 75 Page,Andrew; 82 Harris,Wayne; 83 Faulkner,Peyton; 84 Kimbrough,Jahzae; 85 Brown,Sebastian; 88 Hazime,Mohammed; 92 Cordoba,Josue; 93 Roy,Jaihien; 94 Miasek,Joel; 98 Faulk,Bryce.
Maybe they didn't want to get injured. Maybe protesting the Kent State administration for even scheduling it. I still say Division I teams shouldn't play Division II teams. With all of the money that the NCAA generates seems to me X $$$ could be siphoned and distributed to the Division II schools instead of sending their players to the slaughter house just to get money for the schools.
We did only score 6 points in the second half, and to say we emptied the bench is a huge understatement
I think I saw a couple of cheerleaders in there and they removed their skirts so no one would notice. I just feel bad for the players that got injured. No way we should have been playing this team. On the other side of the coin, we have to play who's on our schedule.

For those out there saying we showed no mercy..per sources Tennessee at halftime offered Kent State an opportunity to shorten the playing time in the 2nd half or implement a running clock; they declined. I suppose in many cases a team would refuse such an offer out of pride, can’t blame them too much for that. I’m not certain if it would have affected their payout, but at any rate I think it’s noteworthy that they did go on to suffer multiple injuries in the second half.


This isn’t war, it’s sport. There is no shame in admitting that someone is better than you and still trying your best to improve yourself.

There’s nothing more disgraceful than to quit simply because you didn’t perform as well as you wanted to.
Maybe they didn't want to get injured. Maybe protesting the Kent State administration for even scheduling it. I still say Division I teams shouldn't play Division II teams. With all of the money that the NCAA generates seems to me X $$$ could be siphoned and distributed to the Division II schools instead of sending their players to the slaughter house just to get money for the schools.

Kent St. isn't a D2/FCS team. They're in the MAC. Problem is, they're historically one of the 5-10 worst D1 programs. I have no problem playing mid-majors, we need cupcake/buy games to get starters some rest for the grind of the SEC schedule, but I think you want to at least schedule mid-majors who can offer at least some resistance. Kent St. was the worst FBS/D1 team we've played in probably 15-20 years, if not longer.

For those out there saying we showed no mercy..per sources Tennessee at halftime offered Kent State an opportunity to shorten the playing time in the 2nd half or implement a running clock; they declined. I suppose in many cases a team would refuse such an offer out of pride, can’t blame them too much for that. I’m not certain if it would have affected their payout, but at any rate I think it’s noteworthy that they did go on to suffer multiple injuries in the second half.

This is extraordinary to me as I had no clue that such a rule or option was even part of college football. Never heard of such a thing. And I respect Kent St. for saying no thanks. We would do the same.

For those out there saying we showed no mercy..per sources Tennessee at halftime offered Kent State an opportunity to shorten the playing time in the 2nd half or implement a running clock; they declined. I suppose in many cases a team would refuse such an offer out of pride, can’t blame them too much for that. I’m not certain if it would have affected their payout, but at any rate I think it’s noteworthy that they did go on to suffer multiple injuries in the second half.
We showed all kinds of mercy ,we went all thru our depth chart ,by the 4th quarter i think we had a couple male cheerleaders in including the one that couldnt do push ups against utc
Kent St. isn't a D2/FCS team. They're in the MAC. Problem is, they're historically one of the 5-10 worst D1 programs. I have no problem playing mid-majors, we need cupcake/buy games to get starters some rest for the grind of the SEC schedule, but I think you want to at least schedule mid-majors who can offer at least some resistance. Kent St. was the worst FBS/D1 team we've played in probably 15-20 years, if not longer.
When we scheduled Kent State they had just played in the MAC championship game and went to a bowl.

They gave Georgia a decent game 9 months after we scheduled them. No way to have foreseen they'd get this bad this fast.

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