I think there is a tendency of all fan bases which are accustomed to winning like uga to automatically think that their team played poorly when they almost lose to a much lesser team from their perspective. And I have seen Vols fans from the past do the same thing. However, I don't think the average fan of our SEC foes today realize the extent of the fire and desire in Butch Jones and Team 118. I also suspect there is a fair element of our own fan base who didn't expect to beat Georgia. I am convinced that Team 118 did.
I hope everyone watches the videos of Butch and the players' comments after the game - Justin, Jashon, AJ, Josh, TK Jr., and especially Jalen Hurd. Notice not what they said but how they said it. Jaws firm, grinding, and clearly disturbed. These are determined young men who felt like they let the game get away from them. From the words they said, it sounded like they were quoting Butch Jones. The coach has them all on the same page.
I particularly liked how the players have heard enough of being called young and they seemed to be annoyed at the questions being posed to them by the media.
I'm not sure I can remember a more resolute bunch in a long time. They are clearly tired of losing and tired of talking about losing.
Florida better be ready.