We will know



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
if these coaches can learn from the mistakes and gameplan after the georgia game for sure. But as of right now it's not looking good with the game plan they had today. Let's all hope they can swallow their big east pride and learn from their mistakes fast and fix them or it's going to be a long season, even longer for me as i think we can win every game whether the coaches are good or not but am slowly realizing with out great coaches the results usually won't change. I am not even so sure they can make adjustments at the half but we will know soon enough. Note i didn't not say anything about firing them, all i said was we will know if they can learn from their mistakes or just keep repeating them.
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over the middle coverage is horrible (fixing this is going take AJ out of the lineup), i know that much, not using the running game and running bland play calls on offense, punting the ball on 4th and 1 with a 1,500lb offensive line. not given up in the second half. tried to score with a minute left in the game.
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"These players have bought in more than any other stop."

That equals worse loss margin since 1905.

Got it.
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smh...I'll bite. So what mistakes did they make, and how would you fix them?

Play calling was so bad it was sickening, worse than throwing it 50 yards last year on 3&1, way worse than Chaneys play calling, running outside every time, long developing plays, not taking chances, punting every time. It was disgusting
if these coaches can learn from the mistakes and gameplan after the georgia game for sure. But as of right now it's not looking good with the game plan they had today. Let's all hope they can swallow their big east pride and learn from their mistakes fast and fix them or it's going to be a long season, even longer for me as i think we can win every game whether the coaches are good or not but am slowly realizing with out great coaches the results usually won't change. I am not even so sure they can make adjustments at the half but we will know soon enough. Note i didn't not say anything about firing them, all i said was we will know if they can learn from their mistakes or just keep repeating them.

The game plan wasn't great, but I am pretty sure they know what to do- get better players. The reason they have already started stock piling talent is because they knew we needed it. Plain and simple, we need better talent.
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We have a decent first string defense, but the drop off in talent on the second string is very apparent. Also we lack speed overall as a defense.

I just don't see why people are so uneasy about this loss. This teams offense was a nightmare matchup for our defense with the issues I just stated.

It'll get better. Jones is bringing in the talent, look at our recruiting class. You just can't expect much out of this team right now. That's just the was it is.
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well it don't matter bout the talent they are stock piling they can't help us this season.
if these coaches can learn from the mistakes and gameplan after the georgia game for sure. But as of right now it's not looking good with the game plan they had today. Let's all hope they can swallow their big east pride and learn from their mistakes fast and fix them or it's going to be a long season, even longer for me as i think we can win every game whether the coaches are good or not but am slowly realizing with out great coaches the results usually won't change. I am not even so sure they can make adjustments at the half but we will know soon enough. Note i didn't not say anything about firing them, all i said was we will know if they can learn from their mistakes or just keep repeating them.
Hold on tight OP, VN is about take you for a ride.
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if these coaches can learn from the mistakes and gameplan after the georgia game for sure. But as of right now it's not looking good with the game plan they had today. Let's all hope they can swallow their big east pride and learn from their mistakes fast and fix them or it's going to be a long season, even longer for me as i think we can win every game whether the coaches are good or not but am slowly realizing with out great coaches the results usually won't change. I am not even so sure they can make adjustments at the half but we will know soon enough. Note i didn't not say anything about firing them, all i said was we will know if they can learn from their mistakes or just keep repeating them.

even with the absolute best gameplan, do you think it would be likely that we would have been able to stop them?
i don't care. we can't fully tell about the coaching staffs ability to coach until after the Georgia game. They should have 2 wins out of the next 3 if they can coach. But i expect and prefer them to have 3 wins out of 3 if they can get these bought in players to execute.
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so i still think we can beat florida but it is going to be harder than any one thinks with a coaching staff that is not willing to roll the dice and put their feet down and make some changes with personal and play calling which is what they demonstrated today, we'll see if that mind set changes soon enough.
we have had the same current situation at tennessee for at least the last 8 years. it's not acceptable. at some point it has to turn around but it shouldn't take ten years and over $12,000,000 to do it. if the coaching staff can't show improvement in their decisions and coaching in the first season and makes the same mistakes what makes you think they will change that later?
over the middle coverage is horrible (fixing this is going take AJ out of the lineup), i know that much, not using the running game and running bland play calls on offense, punting the ball on 4th and 1 with a 1,500lb offensive line. not given up in the second half. tried to score with a minute left in the game.

Let's see, take the SEC's leading tackler and an All SEC linebacker out of the lineup.....yeah, great idea. If you take somebody out, who is going in?

Not using the running game? We ran quite a lot....not very well at times, but a lot.

Bland play calls - not going to address this much because we don't know the plays that were called and how they fit in with our overall scheme/playbook. "We" ripped Dooley/Chaney for throwing deep too much last 2 years, now we're ripping for "playing it safe". Devil's advocate here....we were not expected to win this game, at all, so why would we shcw all of our wrinkles before conference play.

There was 1 time I wish we would have gone for it, the others were fine with me....you can't give them the short field. They would have scored in under 30 seconds rather than 2 minutes

Not given up in 2nd half - We didn't give up. See the last 3 years for examples of teams quitting in 2nd half.

All in all, things do have to get better to compete in conference play - QB play is front and center. Have to get pressure on QB as well...hopefully we can get better in those areas and improve the outcomes here in the coming weeks.
we have had the same current situation at tennessee for at least the last 8 years. it's not acceptable. at some point it has to turn around but it shouldn't take ten years and over $12,000,000 to do it.

I agree that it's not acceptable, and Jones said the same today. The bottom line is he doesn't have the horses or depth to compete consistently with this schedule. We will learn some about this coaching staff this year, but we will learn the most in three years. Advice: lower your expectations, drink up, and take some Midol.

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