Web Censorship and Political Bias

Thereโ€™s an interesting docu-series on Netflix about tyrants, and it explains their rise to power. What we are seeing right now in the US and western allies is right out of Stalinโ€™s playbook, especially with regards to censoring. Dark times are ahead for us,
Its amazing how so many people seem so happy to give up their rights. This is yet another "conspiracy theory" that many warned about 2 years ago that appears to be coming true
I think the videos pretty old, but the fact they're even talking about it is alarming.
Media truly are the enemy of the people

Our own government conspired with a private company to affect an election and lie whilst the FBI was in possession of the laptop the whole time.
This is like end of the Republic stuff,,yet seeing so many here just poo poo it..just reaffirms this belief.
Just like attacks against Trumps' kids..but Hunter, the real corrupt lying ugly human being is just not even acknowledged.

And we are the cult.
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