I'd like to spew my discontent towards far more than the ilk from Bama. I'm putting all the representatives from Florida and Miss-ippi on notice as well. Several of these clowns, including some from Tennessee have been frequenting Texags and wishing us well, welcoming us, and proudly proclaiming how happy they are to have us as members. Wolves in sheep clothing as far as I can tell. I've been here long enough to understand the culture and methods used by SEC fans on message boards.
Each compliment is intended to be followed by a ",but we're gonna curb stomp you." It just goes unsaid and that's plain silly. We're not gullible. We know what you're intentions are and I for one, damn sure know how yall act during game week. Be it hate threads, hottie threads that dont meet your standards, or general insults about legal troubles within the AD, most if not all of you are cut of the same cloth. Under the guise of "We'll fight like brothers, but you're family and we'll defend you against anyone else", many SEC posters here and on our own site have lured folks into a sense of stability and comfort. I'm not buying it.
When we play Florida, I'll despise them. Afterwards, I'll despise them.
Same goes for the rest as it should be. You never heard anyone in College Station chanting Big12 when t.u. beat SC. We're not accustomed to that and rightfully so. We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, and for those New Army posters that reflect back on the accomplishments of their new conference mates and bask in their success, I say this: You're doing a disservice to yourself and should focus your energy on whats close to home first.
Now, I reserve the right to dislike some of you a little less than others, but overall, I think the recent events speak for them-self. We didn't leave to lose. Sumlin didn't come here to lose. We're not bringing the SEC to Kyle Field. We're bringing the 12Man to the SEC.
Some of you are in for a real surprise your first trip. Some of your ignorant taunts and quips will be hushed upon arrival. Don't expect me to get caught up in the pageantry of a game day atmosphere. We've had it here for a while. Don't tell me about noise level. We've had it here. Don't tell me about fanatics. We stand here. Above all, dont tell me your koolaide slurping predictions about potential curb stomps. Line up and play. We can discuss it afterwards.
I've never been one to make half cocked predictions based on passion and homerism. You wont get that from me now, and you haven't since 2007. What you will get is an honest and genuine assessment of what is factual. Factually speaking, Kevin Sumlin hasn't coached a game in the SEC yet. I'll let you know after week 2.
As for message board e-fights with the likes of Lawrence, Bamawriter, LG, Billy C, and whoever else wants to chime in, dish what you wish, but your historic record mean little to me. The clock started Sunday morning at 12:01am. The rest is history.
Thanks and Gig em.