Well Coca-Cola has a problem

It strikes me that in our never-ending quest to create subsets of society, white people, the white male specifically, are the only group where it's not okay to feel "pride" about who you are. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans....all are encouraged to take pride in their heritage. Gays and trans are encouraged to take pride in who they are. Women, of all color, are encouraged to take pride in their feminism. But to be white is to be "privileged". Guilt is encouraged, not pride. In fact, to feel "white pride" is to be racist. I just think it an interesting observation that in a society that preaches equality and unity, we have this white bogeyman, and oddly, the very people at the top of this society are mostly older white men who seem to encourage this myth. It just furthers my opinion that government does not want unity of the people, mostly because that would make us harder to control. Better to have us at odds with each other, divided by the past, rather than uniting for the future.

Sure, I sound a little paranoid, but I think there are grains of truth there. Why else cast the sins of our forefathers on the sons of today? I believe most people just want to live their lives peacefully and happily, but society has a way of stirring up resentments based mostly on past aggressions. Yes, we still have bad people, of every race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation, but those bad people do not and should not define our entire society. They should be seen as the aberrations they are, and not as indicative of the whole of society.

At heart, I'm an idealist that believes we should be able to put aside our pettiness and be better people. Unfortunately, reality has yet to catch up with what I envision. Perhaps it never will. But much like MLK, I believe in a dream of a better world. A world where we can put aside what makes us different, and instead focus on what makes us all the same.
Is this something Coke deliberately sent people to, was it it something that they inadvertently linked to? I still can't tell from these quotes.
I don't know. All I can take away is their own words. Not part of their learning "curriculum" but part of their learning "plan."
Thus far I only see people referencing that initial tweet. No other source. But it’s pretty far spread now and there is no way Coke doesn’t know about it. Thus if it wasn’t true and I was in their shoes I’d state it. I’m going to guess the real story is somewhere in the middle. Yes they hired that chick but had no idea she was going to put this in there and are now trying to come up with a fitting response. Just a guess on my part.
Called it.

Coca-Cola staff told in online training seminar ‘try to be less white'

In a letter to Fox Business, the soft drink giant said the slides being attributed to a Coca-Cola training program “are not part of the company’s learning curriculum.”

“Our Better Together global training is part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace. It is comprised of a number of short vignettes, each a few minutes long," the company said.

It noted that the training is publicly available on LinkedIn, and includes a "variety of topics, including on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Translation. Holy hell we had no idea that stupid chick would put something that ridiculous in there!😳

I will remind the reader the slides bear the Coke logo.
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This is all gibberish.

You've failed to point out any holes in my "logic", just more non sequiturs and accusations without evidence.

I'll say it again, if you continue to support trump after the events of 1/6, you're a scumbag.

And, you don’t have a argument at all. You just know how to say lie, untrue and call people names when you can’t argue a point.

you are a communist, That thinks the country is going in the right direction. But, you hate America it’s Not surprising at all.

Learn to read
And, you don’t have a argument at all. You just know how to say lie, untrue and call people names when you can’t argue a point.

you are a communist, That thinks the country is going in the right direction. But, you hate America it’s Not surprising at all.

Learn to read

Your gibberish is fun.
Sep, if I’m speaking gibberish, it shouldn’t be that hard to beat me in a argument.?

And, you’re a male version of AOC

geezus dude.

What argument? You quoted a pleasant argy bargy and started making demands that I make points against an "argument" only you were involved in.

Take your meds Sybil.
geezus dude.

What argument? You quoted a pleasant argy bargy and started making demands that I make points against an "argument" only you were involved in.

Take your meds Sybil.

You Never Made a Point. Is This Slow Enough For You?
You're right, it's probably because we weren't debating.



I tried to have a argument on the point that was being discussed. You were the one that deflected from the original point to, “orange man bad”.

I tried to have a argument on the point that was being discussed. You were the one that deflected from the original point to, “orange man bad”.

LOL, I haven't engaged you at all about Donny, not once. Are we even having the same conversation?

Watching you trying to conjure up an argument that doesn't exist is fascinating, truly.

Either you've confused me with someone else or you're closed head trauma is flaring up, though the latter may explain your gibberish.
The truth is, you Trumpers had a chance to break with the orange turd, but didn't. If you still support him after 1/6 - you deserve to be lumped in with the proud boy, oath keeper, Qanon losers that kicked in the windows.

Lay down with dogs, get fleas. - as they say.


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