Lets all sit back and watch Bray break all Peytons' records..../sarcasm
Tennessee Volunteers records
Most passing attempts (career): 1,381
Most passing attempts (season): 477 (1997)
Most passing attempts (game): 65 (09/21/96 vs. Florida)
Most completions (career): 863
Most completions (game): 37 (09/21/96 vs. Florida)
Most consecutive completions (game): 12 (11/22/97 vs. Kentucky)
Highest completion percentage (career): 62.49%
Highest completion percentage (season): 64.2% (1995)
Lowest interception percentage (career): 2.39%
Lowest interception percentage (season): 1.05% (1995)
Most consecutive passes without an interception (season): 132
Most passing yards (season): 3,819 (1997)
Most passing yards (career): 11,201
Most passing yards (game): 508 (11/22/97 vs. Kentucky) <--- One down.
Most offensive yards (career): 11,020
Most 500+ passing yard games (career): 1 <--- Tied
Most 400+ passing yard games (career): 3
Most 300+ passing yard games (career): 18
Most 300+ passing yard games (season): 9 (1997)
Most consecutive 300+ passing yard games: 7
Most 200+ passing yard games (career): 30
Most wins as starting quarterback (career): 39
Most touchdown passes (career): 89
Most touchdown passes (game): 5 (08/30/97 vs. Texas Tech, 11/22/97 vs. Kentucky)
Most touchdowns (career): 101
Most offensive plays (career): 1,534
Most offensive plays (season): 538 (1997)
Most offensive plays (game): 70 (09/21/96 vs. Florida)
Lowest Interception Percentage
(1.05%; 4 of 380 attempts in 1995)
Lowest Interception Percentage
(2.39%; 33 of 1381 attempts in 1994-Present)
Passing Yards (11,201)
Completions (863)
Total Offense (11,020)
Completion Percentage (62.49%; 863 of 1381 from 1994-Present)
Lowest Interception Percentage (2.39%; 33 of 1381 from 1994-Present)
Most 300-yard passing games (18)