Were we a better team in 2010?

Uh, was this a serious question?

In 2010 we had 3 FR o-linemen and a hippie starting.
In 2013 we have 4-5 future NFL players and most of our depth has had a couple of offseasons of strength and conditioning.

In 2010 we didn't have an SEC DT on the roster. Our best DT was a DE (Malik Jackson). We didn't have a pass rush. Period.
In 2013 we have 2 average SEC DTs and a monster who hasn't completely flipped the switch, and Smith and Maggitt on the outsides.

In 2010 we had Matt Simms, bless his soul with that o-line. A human punching bag who was lucky he survived.
In 2013 we have Worley, who has at least been in the program 3 years.

In 2010 we had Nick Reviez starting at MLB. Great player who gave his all for the Vols but was undersized and all heart rather than athletic ability. He did want it though...
In 2013 we have AJ and a handful of guys better than injury-prone Greg King and LaMarcus Thompson.

Only position that was measurably better in 2010 was WRs and TE with D Moore, Gerald Jones, and Luke Stocker.

In 2010 we lost 2 of our best players before the season started, Janzen Jackson and Montori Hughes (who would have been our only SEC DT).

The 2010 roster was the worst in the modern era of Tennessee football. Dooley's best coaching job by far.

This 2013 team under CBJ would hulk-smash our 2010 team.
All this.
I might call the secondary and RB positions a close call. Otherwise, 2013 all day.
Does anyone remember what the spread was, well not necessarily the spread but were we as big of an underdog as the 2010 team?

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