Western Kentucky 53 Tennessee 47

Their one fan is definitely working overtime.

They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,999 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.
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They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.
Well done
They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

You sound kinda butthurt. You have no sense of humor I guess.
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They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

Please stop pretending that anyone outside of Bowling Green knows anything or cares about WKU.
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They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

Yeah the hicks can be unbearable...the rest of us'n rednecks can be quite engaging...we got lots and lots of brains...later _ _ _ _ _ c k _ :p
Posted via VolNation Mobile
They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

I tried to verify your claim. But when I went to google and put in the search "list state colleges by name vs number of attendees, state = Kentucky". All I get back is " Please use another state. The name Kentucky is invalid". And the other one. "Please do not use college and the word Kentucky in the same search." :)
and Smokey takes his 1st lead 51-49! That is the power of Volnation!
Might wanna toss this over to the recruiting forum as well...Volnation went crazy in the voting competition on Dillion Bates a little while ago.
They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,499 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

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I don't care what you guys say. That red blob is adorable and deserves to win this competition.
me too ... I was like


They're the second largest university in the state of KY you moron. They had roughly 24,999 fans, in addition to their 1, at the UK game this weekend. Come up with something new if you're going to try and degrade them, rather than the tired, old they have no fans put down. Or better yet try not to degrade the school and fanbase period. The arrogance of some of you hicks on this board is getting to be unbearable.

Being the 2nd largest University in Kentucky is like being the 2nd biggest trailer in a trailer park and someone in Kentucky shouldn't be calling anyone a hick.

Maybe one day you'll move to gods country.

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Voted again, Here's another cheer for whoever wants to use it:

That bluetick hound with floppy ears;
Howls his support for his Volunteers.
Hey, hey, yeah all you loyal Vols fans;
Watch Smokey do the hound dog dance.
Hop, wiggle, shuffle, stomp, and bob,oh yeah.
Do the hound dance with the hound dog, Smokey.
Go Vols!

I got one, too!!!


Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you don't vote for Smokey
Then, to **** with you!!!

Even works as a Twitter cheer (+25 points). What can I say, I'm a giver.

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