@WestTennesseeFox she has the meats.

You better cut these verses out of the bible..... And by the way, being obedient to the bible has nothing to do with being incapable or inferior.
1st Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
You believe your sexist interpretation of the Bible. Good night

I can have a leadership position in a company that got bought out for $350 million but I'm not qualified to have a leadership position in a denomination that has had several hundred "leaders" molest young boys.
Capable has nothing to do with it... And there will always be devils hanging out at church. Jesus contended with Judas. God has set the order of how the church and even the home is to be run. I didn't write the bible, I just preach it and simply obey it.
If a woman is allowed to preach, is that church violating God's will?
It violates the scriptures... Look carefully at the passage that I quoted. There's no way a woman can preach and be obedient to that passage.
If a woman does preach, do you think God is okay with it?
I've met and even listened to very capable women that teach. As a matter of fact, probably two out of three of the best Sunday school teachers I've ever heard in person was women. That doesn't mean that they were supposed to teach the men in that setting.
I'm not against women at all, I just simply think that all of us are better off being what the bible plainly teaches that we ought to be. God made us and truly knows what we need and how we would be the best version of ourselves. Nothing sexist or misogynist about it. Just happy to obey my Creator!
@BigO95 There’s a time and place. This ain’t it. Please, take it to another thread or just stfu.
Mind your own business.... I'll talk to who I want, when I want and where I want, and about what I want. This is America Jack!

I'm not being rude or mean or ugly to no one so you can kick rocks...
@BigO95 There’s a time and place. This ain’t it. Please, take it to another thread or just stfu.

It's OK. He has his opinions and I have mine. No different than a lot of historical texts, there are a lot of biases evident between different Biblical translations. If you take a strict literal reading to the Bible, you will have unreconcilable timing holes with the creation of the Earth.
It's OK. He has his opinions and I have mine. No different than a lot of historical texts, there are a lot of biases evident between different Biblical translations. If you take a strict literal reading to the Bible, you will have unreconcilable timing holes with the creation of the Earth.
I meant you no disrespect nor harm.... Good night, I wish you nothing but the best. I'll be praying for healing for you.
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