WH is lying...

They criticise his "Christianity" because they think he's muslim. As each day passes, it's hard to argue against it.
You're just not that bright. But hey, you're in company. 52% of voters two years ago weren't that bright either.

Let me try and break this down.

The argument is that Obama practices liberation theology Christianity, not "mainstream Christianity."

This argument presupposes the idea that Obama is a Christian.

If Obama is a Christian, how can he be a Muslim?
What's more retarded is the idea of "Mainstream Christianity" itself.

If you are ignorant on a subject, it is generally better not to speak on it.

Read up on liberation theology and particularly black liberation theology. That should help you understand the concerns.
Or people that accuse a man of being a Muslim while at the same time criticizing his Christianity.

What sect of Chritianity accepts a profession of faith such as that made by Obama; "I have always been a Christian!"????

Answer; there are none, no not one!!

What that statement signifies is islamic taqiyya, or deceiving the infidel.

When Wright left the nation of islam and formed his sham church, if he had really been serious about renouncing islam then the NOI would have issued a fatwa to have him murdered.

As a matter of fact Wright doesn't teach that Christ is the Son of God, but rather a mere prophet as the false prophet muhammed claims to be.

This is anti-thema to any and all real Christian sects.

What kind of real church would designate Louis Farrakhan as it's man of the year???

None because real churches don't promote racial hatred or honor those who do.

If you want to find hypocrisy, look in the nearest mirror.
They criticise his "Christianity" because they think he's muslim. As each day passes, it's hard to argue against it.

Wow. You guys have to be kidding with this stuff. There's no way such a large portion of America could be that dumb. I refuse to believe it.
You're just not that bright. But hey, you're in company. 52% of voters two years ago weren't that bright either.

Yeah, I bet you were the kid everyone cheated off of in school though, huh?

Anyone that holds to the belief that Obama is Muslim in spite of OVERWHELMING evidence -- FACTUAL evidence, mind you, has to be a dimwit. I bet you think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii either, huh? Despite the FACTUAL evidence to the contrary.

Please do not breed.
Wow. You guys have to be kidding with this stuff. There's no way such a large portion of America could be that dumb. I refuse to believe it.

I beg to differ.

Our current president got a majority vote, so it is possible.
Wow. You guys have to be kidding with this stuff. There's no way such a large portion of America could be that dumb. I refuse to believe it.


Make your case that Obama isn't a muslim and I'll present some evidence he is.

Tums is right, as each day goes by it becomes harder to believe Barry isn't a muslim.
Yeah, I bet you were the kid everyone cheated off of in school though, huh?

Anyone that holds to the belief that Obama is Muslim in spite of OVERWHELMING evidence -- FACTUAL evidence, mind you, has to be a dimwit. I bet you think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii either, huh? Despite the FACTUAL evidence to the contrary.

Please do not breed.

Where would find any factual evidence of either???
the majority of Americans are stupid unless they agree with the majority of volnation political forumers, in which case it is proof-positive of their position.

The majority of Americans are stupid, but also believe in Christianity and creation and thus are no longer conveniently stupid.

The majority of Americans are stupid until they think the POTUS has constructed an elaborate lie to cover his "real" religious beliefs, then they are no longer stupid, again their popular opinion can be triumphantly held up as evidence of the reasonableness of these claims.

See, to me that looks like arrogance and stupidity. I just must be one of the dumb ones. At least I know all I have to do to not be part of the stupid majority is to just agree with the majority.
yay idiots!

More pusillanimitous poppycok aka blah blah from la la land.

the majority of Americans are stupid unless they agree with the majority of volnation political forumers, in which case it is proof-positive of their position.

The majority of Americans are stupid, but also believe in Christianity and creation and thus are no longer conveniently stupid.

The majority of Americans are stupid until they think the POTUS has constructed an elaborate lie to cover his "real" religious beliefs, then they are no longer stupid, again their popular opinion can be triumphantly held up as evidence of the reasonableness of these claims.

See, to me that looks like arrogance and stupidity. I just must be one of the dumb ones. At least I know all I have to do to not be part of the stupid majority is to just agree with the majority.

That seems a bit whiny!!

Your date stand you up??

Your vituperation is misplaced.

American Thinker: Islam's Global War against Christianity

Some of the oldest Christian communities in the world are subject to relentless attack and teeter on the brink of extinction at the hands of the "Religion of Peace": Palestinian Christians in Gaza and the West Bank; Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean Christians in Iraq; Coptic Christians in Egypt; Evangelical and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Ethiopia and Eritrea; Armenian Orthodox Christians in Turkey; and Maronite Christians in Lebanon.

Several of these communities date back to the beginning decades of Christianity and all have weathered wave after wave of Islamic persecution for centuries and more, but in the very near future some will simply cease to exist. In our lifetime, the only trace of their past existence will be in footnotes in history books (and probably only Western history books at that).

But an extensive search this past weekend of the websites of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Student Association, the Fiqh Council of North America, and the Muslim Public Affairs Committee - the most visible institutional representatives of Islam in America - found not a single mention or reference of the religious persecution of Christians by their Islamic co-religionists, thereby making them tacit co-conspirators in the Final Solution to the Christian problem in the Muslim world.

The global war on Christianity by Islam is so massive in size and scope that it is virtually impossible to describe without trivializing it. Inspired by Muslim Brotherhood ideology and fueled by billions of Wahhabi petrodollars, the religious cleansing of Christians from the Muslim world is continuing at a break-neck pace, as the following recent examples demonstrate.
(everyone should the country by country assessment.)

The fact remains that not a single Christian or Jew lives in peace in the Muslim world, and if it is truly our nation's foreign policy to spread democracy around the world, this issue is the perfect topic for us to press. Back at home, raising Islam's global war on Christianity should be the immediate response to the seemingly endless media grievance machine of radical Islam's Western apologists. Until they begin to address the new Holocaust perpetrated in the name of Islam, their complaints and denials are nothing but bald hypocrisy.

For all of you who worship at the feet of agnostic or atheistic secular humanism, I give the you the words of Osama bin Laden; "The socialists are infidels also, we will deal with them later."
I don't care what his religion is. It's his political philosophy and complete lack of leadership ability that are truly troubling.

Make your case that Obama isn't a muslim and I'll present some evidence he is.

Tums is right, as each day goes by it becomes harder to believe Barry isn't a muslim.

"WH is lying".

...and in other BREAKING NEWS: The sky is blue!

The White House always lies...and not just this White House. ALL administrations in the White House lie.
A recent poll revealed that one in five Kenyans
thought Obama was born in Hawaii!

Barack Obama; "I can't go around with my birth
certificate plastered to my forehead." (but he can
spend $2 million to avoid presenting it in court.)

Among the reasons why we don't trust Obama's
claim to be a Christian;

The FIRST thing Obama did as a newly elected
Illinois State Senator was to attempt to declare
a Muslim holiday. Obama sponsored Bill SR0110 in
the 90th General Assembly to declare November 1,
1997 to be Islamic Community Center Day.
Later Obama introduced an islamic hallal food bill.

Because his biological father was a Muslim the Islam
world thinks he is a Muslim, otherwise they would have
issued a fatwa for his murder for repudiating islam.

Barack Hussein Obama’s first and middle names are
Arabic Muslim names, his ancestry is more Arabic
than black African.

Obama belonged to Rev. Wright’s (a former Muslim) sham
church for twenty years. Many congregants are Muslims.
Wright claims Christ was a prophet but not the son of
God, in line with the teachings of islam and not

Obama’s said that the U.S. is “one of the largest
Muslim countries in the world.”

Obama holds Muslim celebrations in the WH but
canceled the National Day of Prayer.

President Obama’s religious adviser, Eboo Patel,
once deemed the United States “the ideal place
for the renewal of Islam.”

Obama does not give gifts on Christmas.

Obama doesn’t celebrate his birthday.

Obama falsely attributes Muslim participation in
the founding of America.

Obama required that the cross be covered when
he gave a speech at Notre Dame.

Christian symbol was covered up during Obama’s
Georgetown speech.

Obama’s first major speech in office was a “Muslim
outreach” speech in Cairo Egypt. (That speech is full
of ismamic myths, outright lies or total ignorance of

“The American President told me in confidence that
he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed
Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.

Obama gave strong support to the Cordoba House
community center and mosque to be built at the
Ground Zero site of Sep. 11, 2001 at a dinner
celebrating the day’s end of the first day of Ramadan
at the WH.

Obama tasked NASA with a mission of “Muslim outreach,”
and sharing of secret technology with muslim countries.

Pushes Islamic freedom of religion but not Jewish or
Christian freedoms. Several weeks ago he told Israel
NOT to build settlements in East Jerusalem. But OK to
build that Mosque at Ground Zero.

Be aware.

Be very wary of anything Obama says.

Here is why we don’t trust muslims.

In the 9 years since the 9-11 attacks, Mohammedans
have committed 15,993 terrorist acts killing many tens
of thousands, and injuring and maiming hundreds of

Just during their “holy” month of Ramadan, which
isn’t over yet, Mohammedans have perpetrated
176 terror attacks leaving 837 dead.

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